[Newbies] Re: Win98SE + Squeak?

Benjamin L. Russell DekuDekuplex at Yahoo.com
Mon Aug 3 06:20:09 UTC 2009

On Mon, 3 Aug 2009 01:25:50 -0300, Leandro Juarez <leandroo at gmail.com>

>Hi there. I'm Leandro from Rosario, ARG, and I'm trying to run the latest
>version of Squeak from a machine that is running on WIN98SE. But it doesn't
>work at all. Any idea why? It's a celeron 900mhz with 284 Mb RAM.
>I tried to run on an IBM Thinkpad 600E, and it doesn't work also.
>I would appreciate if anyone tells me which version of squeak should I try

What are the exact symptoms that you are experiencing?

-- Benjamin L. Russell
Benjamin L. Russell  /   DekuDekuplex at Yahoo dot com
Translator/Interpreter / Mobile:  +011 81 80-3603-6725
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