[Newbies] Translation from old basic program

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Mon Jul 5 12:34:26 UTC 2010

On 04.07.2010, at 11:36, kirand wrote:

> Hi!
> Is anybody remember basic?
> I am a beginner and cant understand how to make this program in Smalltalk. I found it in old magazine from 80-th years :)
> So, this is the program. It makes interest graphics.
> 10 INPUT "Enter a number"; N
> 20 DIM X(N), Y(N)
> 30 R = 120
> 40 DT = 2 * 3,1416 /N
> 50 T = 0
> 60 FOR I = 1 TO N
> 70 T = T + DT
> 80 X(I) = 160 + R*COS (T): Y(I) = 125 - R*SIN (T)
> 90 NEXT I
> 95 CLSZ
> 100 FOR I = 1 TO N-1
> 110 FOR J= I+1 TO N
> 120 PLOT X(I), Y(I), 3
> 130 LINE X(J), Y(J)
> 140 NEXT J
> 150 NEXT I
> 160 STOP
> Some remarks can help. PLOT+LINE is BitBlt>>drawFrom:to:. DIM X(N), Y(N) is PointArray instance.
> If anobody make it pls give me a code to see how. 

Display restoreAfter: [Pen new mandala: (FillInTheBlank request: 'Enter a Number') asInteger]

- Bert -

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