[Newbies] Teaching Smalltalk

John McKeon p3anoman at gmail.com
Tue May 4 15:55:08 UTC 2010

Looking at rosettacode <http://rosettacode.org/wiki/100_doors> most
languages look nearly identical (or, at the very least, ugly/crappy) when
written out procedurely so that one might end up deciding to just stick with

I know I am going off the deep end a bit, but the whole answer to "why
Smalltalk?" lies in the fact that problems should/would be approached in a
completely different manner. As I am sure they would in most of the other
languages if one were not restricted to 20 or so lines of code.

Since it is example code, at least in the case of Smalltalk, an object
oriented solution would be in order - i.e. show how it would be solved using
"everything is an object". Unfortunately, it doesn't really fit into "a few
lines of code" to display on a page (even though the classes/objects and
code required to implement them is little more than a few lines). And you
also don't get any feel for the great tools. Perhaps, some insight into how
one would run the code in Java/Eclipse, or Visual C <chuckle> with all the
includes and project setup, etc might be a useful addition to the

Object subclass: #Corridor
    instanceVariableNames: 'doors count'
    classVariableNames: ''
    poolDictionaries: ''
    category: '100Doors'

initialize: anInteger
    "initialize the receiver with the given number of doors"
    count := anInteger.
    doors := OrderedCollection new.
    anInteger timesRepeat: [ doors add: Door new ]

    "iterate over the doors"
    1 to: count do: [ :i | self passBy: i ]

passBy: anInteger
    "if the nth door is open close it otherwise open it"
    doors by: anInteger do: [ :door | door toggle ]

printOn: aStream
    "print  the open doors"
    aStream cr.
    doors withIndexDo: [ :door :i | door isOpen ifTrue: [ aStream
nextPutAll: i asString, ' is open'; cr ]]

Corridor class

pass: anInteger
    "return a new Corridor with the given number of doors that has been
passed thru"
    ^self new
        initialize: anInteger;


Object subclass: #Door
    instanceVariableNames: 'isOpen'
    classVariableNames: ''
    poolDictionaries: ''
    category: '100Doors'

    "Answer the value of isOpen"
    ^ isOpen

    "if the receiver is open close it else open it"
    isOpen := isOpen not

    "initialize the receiver to be closed"
    super initialize.
    isOpen := false

Patch to iterate over a collection by each nth item

OrderedCollection>>by: anInteger do: aBlock
    | index |
    index := anInteger.
    [index <= lastIndex]
            [aBlock value: (array at: index).
            index := index + anInteger]

Probably silly for the problem given but just my 2 cents

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