may be you could include my videos

Ken Causey ken at
Thu Oct 6 15:47:42 UTC 2005

I haven't had the time yet to come up with a way to make it more
generally available but I do have a bittorrent tracker/seeder setup on
box2 under my personal account and I would be happy to add files to it.
So send me URLs to anything you would like to make available via


On Thu, 2005-10-06 at 10:07 +0200, Cees De Groot wrote:
> Space isn't at a premium (we have 160GB), but bandwidth is (ok, not
> really, we're currently using around 20-30% of our allocated traffic,
> but no reasons to be wasteful)... I suggest that anything over, say,
> 50Mb is put on-line as bittorrents...
> On 10/6/05, Jason Rogers <jacaetevha at> wrote:
> > What do you think of this?  My understanding was that space was at a
> > premium, and so we probably won't want to do this.  Any thoughts?
> >
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