[Box-Admins] Starting squeaksourcecom with supervise is not working

David T. Lewis lewis at mail.msen.com
Sun Nov 6 14:19:57 UTC 2016

I am not able to get the squeaksourcecom service on dan.box.squeak.org to restart
with supervise. I do not know what the problem is, almost certainly user error on
my part, but I cannot figure it out right now.

I will be away quite a bit in next week or so, so here is what to do if the service
goes down for any reason and does not automatically get restarted:

1) Log in to dan.box.squeak.org, sudo to root, and cd to ~squeaksourcecom

2) Run the following command:

  # nohup ./run&

This will start the image in the same way that supervise normally would do. Allow
about 60 seconds for the image to initialize and the http://www.squeaksource.com
page to become active.


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