[Box-Admins] Squeak Server state of the Union or Hold Your Horses but Not Too Long

H. Hirzel hannes.hirzel at gmail.com
Thu Oct 5 15:34:58 UTC 2017

Thank you Tobias for the execellent report.

A question is SFC still willing to offer support though in a reduced way?


On 10/5/17, Tobias Pape <Das.Linux at gmx.de> wrote:
> Dear All
> As the primary person responsible for the current server setup and
> maintaining some contact with the sfc admins, I'd like to give a bit insight
> into the situation.
> I. The Past
> ===========
> Around this time last year we started migrating our services from Gandi to
> Rackspace.
> This was because (a) the Gandi service was not very responsive and (b) about
> to be shut down December 2016. But also (c) our server setup had been "worn
> out" over time[1] and (d) the SFC had for a long time offered to host the
> services on Rackspace.
> Seeing that time was about to run out, I stepped forward and, admittedly,
> relatively singlehandedly decided the new setup. Having the disk-shortage,
> interference between services and the effect of 'dragging down' other
> services when dying in mind, I decides to "spread out" all services as it
> seemed justifiable. This was mainly due to the _very_ generous offer that we
> were allowed to use Rackspace services up to an amount of about $2000.
> Therefore, I created a little network of Squeak-related services. I had
> separated the services into web/files, mail, squeaksource (source.squeak.org
> and squeaksource.com separate), mantis, others (wiki, map), and later
> planet.squeak and codespeed. Every server is backed up individually. We make
> also use of one Rackspace MySql database.
>  The ideas here were:
>  1. Have only ONE ssh entrypoint to the squeak services (this is why we have
> the ssh gateway)
>  2. Isolate the services as good as possible
>  3. Avoid being offline when (a) a server crashes or (b) someone breaks in
> or (c) some admin makes a mistake.
>  4. Have backups of the services.
>  5. Have headroom on each server to be future-proof.
> Additionally, I had hoped that this service would continue for a long time,
> so that only minor adjustments would be necessary by the admins. Also, I
> wanted to minimize attack surface with this setup, so that one compromised
> service wouldn't expose others. The logs suggest that this threat is not
> theoretical.
> All that contributed to me setting up 8 servers with 1..2GB Memory, and
> 20..300GB HDD and 1 or 2 CPUs each (plus a Rackspace managed MySQL DB). They
> are all backed up by Rackspace.
> And, oh, our DNS is managed there, too.
> Since September 2016, we hat one infrastructure outage, which was the
> database for one hour in the middle of the night.
> So far so good.
> II. The Present
> ===============
> The setup as we use it would cost around $500–$600 per month if we had to
> pay it ourselves[2].
> But now we most probably have to leave[3].
> To be clear: I _do not_ suggest that we continue in the very setup we have
> and try to replicate it elsewhere.
> However, I think it is a good idea to _know_ what we are actually using. I
> tallied all services and servers and so on[4] and came to the conclusion,
> that we currently use the equivalent of
>  - 2-2.5GB RAM
>  - 200 GB Disk
>  - 4-6 CPUs	
> These services should therefore be satisfiable with a setup <$100 month.
> III. The Future
> ===============
> I think that it is perfectly possible to have a setup with 2 (Two) or 3
> (Three) servers.
> I would not suggest to consolidate everything, at least web/files and mail
> should be separated. But if there's no room for that, yes, we would be able
> to have everything on one server.
> That being said here are a few things to consider for the Future Squeak
> Infrastructure:
> * We need at least a month to migrate.
> That means, we must start end of the month THE LATEST.
> * We need a new DNS provider fast.
> I strongly advise against running a DNS server ourselves again[5].
> Also, Networksolutions has a very poor user experience.
> I personally use INWX[6] and it works well but any other decent registrar
> should work.
> However, this is to be coordinated with Dan Ingalls and Goran Krampe, as Dan
> owns squeak.org.
> Similar stuff to be done for squeakfoundation.org. (and maybe squeakland
> because of mails).
> * We need a new hosting provider.
> We have two or three main ways: Pay for ourselves, ask people nicely, (and:
> hope the SFC figures something out in time, but I wont bet on that)
>   - Paying for ourselves could mean several things, like renting servers,
> webspace, or the like.
>     We would probably try to reduce our service footprint even further, by,
> eg. hosting part of the website with github.com (via pages or the like) or
> moving from Mantis to github issues, trello, frogbuz or so, but I don't
> think that would do much in terms of footprint.
>     NOTE: I do estimates with 2 servers w/ 2-4 CPUs, 8 or 16 GB, >200GB HDD
> each.====
>     There are several options, but I personally only know a few
> (Euro-centric, because, you know...()
>     # hetzner.de has been our host for some time and we would probably come
> around some 40-100€/month
>     # netcup.de is what I use personally and they are a tad cheaper
>     Those have the problem that we would have to care for backup manually
> (they both offer space for that, at a fee, but without automatization)
>     I think there are tons of others, so
> 	======== Someone™ should survey that field ======
>     Also, there the usual suspects:
>     # AWS (amazon)
>     # GCE (google)
>     # heroku
>     I think all of those would need a lot of learning and drastic changes to
> our setup, even when consolidates.
>     However, they might be lots cheaper.
>     # last not least, rackspace.
>     We could ask them, what a consolidated setup would cost us.
>   - Asking People nicely
>     We as Squeak community could ask people or providers nicely whether they
> would host us or even sponsor us!
>     # netcup.de has an explicit opportunity for non-provits to be
> sponsored[7]
>     This is especially interesting, as we have a registered non-profit in
> Germany, Squeak e.V. which can accept tax-deductable donations, and that
> would fit nicely.
>     == They need a written application ===
>     I don't know whether they would sponsor wholly or partly.
>     	===========Please look around whether you know hosters that would
> sponser..  ============
> IV. The End
> ===========
> TL;DR: No tl;dr, please read the thing.
> You may panic now.
> Best regards
> 	-Tobias
> [1]: please recall the box2 incident, where, after a service outage, we hat
> to resurrect box2 piggy-backed on box4. This setup kind-of worked, but as we
> know, isKindOf should be avoided.
> [2]: Yes, this is a lot.
> [3]: I don't want to elaborate the why's and wherefore's of the
> SFC/Rackspace thing, just how we could deal with it.
> [4]: Details:
> IAN	MEM: 10M	HDD: 10M	LOG: 1.2G
> ALAN	MEM: 100M	HDD: 53G	LOG: 1.8G	(nginx)
> ADELE	MEM: 1G 	HDD: 10.5G	LOG:
> 1.5G	(postfix,amavis,clamav,mailman,nginx,fcgiwrap,postsrsd,)
> ANDREAS	MEM: 200M 	HDD: 55G	LOG: 300M	(source.squeak.org)
> DAN	MEM: 120M	HDD: 25G	LOG: 1.1G	(squeaksource.com)
> TED	MEM: 50M	HDD:  6G	LOG: 800M	(wiki,squeakmap)
> DAVID	MEM: 20M	HDD:  8G	LOG: 1.2G	(nginx,planet)+(old stuff)
> SCOTT	MEM: 400M	HDD:  2G	LOG: 1.2G	(nginx,php(mantis),codespeed)
> 	MEM: +120M 	HDD: +5G	LOG: -300M each	(ssh,psad,fail2ban,system)
> [5]: I run my personal one, it is a nightmare.
> [6]: https://www.inwx.com/en/
> [7]: https://www.netcup.eu/ueber-netcup/public-relations.php

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