[Cryptography Team] RE: Developing in what image/version/build?

Chris Muller afunkyobject at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 2 21:02:15 UTC 2006

> That's very interesting, I'm using 3.9 fulltime and I don't have any of the
> problems you are experiencing.  

Huh?  Ron, just open a 3.9g-7061 image, what you get from downloading from link at the top of squeak.org, and you have the problems I describe.

Problem #1:  > Monticello packages with changes in the base image

Just open a Monticello browser, see * Morphic and * Multilingual?

Problem #2:  > lists jumping around upon selection 

Now just scroll the package list down about 10 and then select a package near the top of the window.  It not jumps straight back to the top, unready for my right-click after I've just left-clicked it.

Lockups happened for me all the time without Seaside; in fact I never was even able to get my few dev tools in there without constant lockups.  I tried to track it down but can't remember now, ran out of time.

>  It was the seaside code for comet.
> Bumping up the priority fixed the problem.

I guess I missed this, can you explain or do you have a link?

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