[Cryptography Team] [FIX] Crypto changes

Cerebus cerebus2 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 24 20:10:02 UTC 2006

On 11/24/06, Ron Teitelbaum <Ron at usmedrec.com> wrote:

> We still need to review our validation of e=3 signatures.  Did you have a
> look at that?  Is there any way that reading ASN.1 would stop and leave more
> data past the hash without throwing an error?

I think I'm missing something here.  PKCS#1 signatures require
digesting, encoding, encrypting, and then conversion to bit-string.
The encoding step takes the hash and wraps it in the following ASN.1:

DigestInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
  digestAlgorithm DigestAlgorithmIdentifier,
  digest Digest }

DigestAlgorithmIdentifier ::= AlgorithmIdentifier


I'm looking at RSAKey>>v15SignMessageHash: and
RSAKey>>v15VerifySignature:ofMessageHash and the encoding step is
being skipped.

Or am I misusing RSAKey?  Or do I have an old version?  (I'm still
figuring out this whole Squeak packaging mess.)

In re: the question, it looks to me like validation is not currently
vulnerable to the attack because
RSAKey>>v15VerifySignature:ofMessageHash: isn't doing any ASN.1
decoding to attack!  :)

-- Tim

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