[Cryptography Team] 2 failing tests using CBC

Robert Withers reefedjib at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 31 03:09:32 UTC 2007

I was running the unit tests and I noticed that 2 of my own tests are  
now failing.  This wasn't the case 6 months ago.  One test is for DES- 
CBC and the other is for TripleDES-CBC.  Did some code change in this  
area recently?

Here is a little detail for the test #testDESCBC

startBuffer = a ByteArray(1 35 69 103 137 171 205 231)
1st encrypt = a ByteArray(157 97 0 32 114 216 222 93)
1st decrypt = a ByteArray(1 50 103 84 205 254 171 144)
2nd encrypt = a ByteArray(14 235 75 121 46 119 224 35)
2nd decrypt = a ByteArray(1 50 103 84 205 254 171 144)

What is strange is that while the 1st decrypt is different than the  
startBuffer, the 2nd decrypt equals the first decrypt.  This is true  
even though the corresponding encrypts are different.  Anyway, the  
1st decrypt is sufficient to show a problem.

Could someone look into this who has DES knowledge?

I am away for the next week, so I won't be able to respond.


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