[Cryptography Team] SSL in Pharo

nauwera nvanderauwera at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 12:55:21 UTC 2011

Hi everyone,

I'm currently developing a i-voting web application with Pharo 1.3 and Seaside 3.0. My voting system has multiple agents which have to communicate together. These communications have to be secure. In order to do this, I'm trying to use the SSL package provided in the Cryptography project.

In a workspace, I write :

| server socket |
server := SSLServer new loadRSACertificateFile: 'certificates/cacert.pem' privateKeyFile: 'certificates/server.key';
 startAtPort: 1257; yourself.
socket := SSLSocket newConnection: NetNameResolver localHostName port: 1257.
socket send: 'hello'

The SSLServer works perfectly but when I execute the last two line, I've the following error :

{SSLConnectionProtocolCap>>receive: - receiver of "adaptToNumber:andSend:" is nil}

I am developing on a iMac under Max OS X Lion.

Thank you in advance


PS: I can post the full stack trace if needed.

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