[Elections] Re: Test election started

Peter Crowther Peter at ozzard.org
Sun Feb 12 00:45:48 CET 2006

> From: [...] Brent Vukmer
> Also, I specified proportional representation using weighted
> scores since the CIVS documentation seemed to indicate that
> that was the best method for electing a group.  Is that the
> case?

Well, it depends what you want from the group.  PR tries to please
everyone somewhat, so may select a winning group with a wider support
base but not really make anyone totally happy.  Condorcet tries to elect
a group who win the most paired elections, so may select a winning group
with strong support of a majority but that are loathed by the minority.

My original (and hence your post to squeak-dev) did say we'd be using
Condorcet, not PR.  Do we want to change this post-announcement?

		- Peter

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