[Elections] Re: A concrete proposal for registeringvotersandconducting the elections

Peter Crowther Peter at ozzard.org
Sat Jan 21 16:09:11 CET 2006

> From: [...] Brent Vukmer
> I'd like the election to happen sometime between February
> 16 and the end of Febuary.

I'd like it to be complete and the results known by Feb 17 so that the
existing folks can honour their pledge to stand down.  However, that's
going to be a bit quick I fear.

> If someone can work up a usable system that meets the
> Swiki-page specs by then, great.  If no one has
> volunteered, or the volunteers' system isn't ready by
> then, we'll use CIVS.

I'm not going to be able to put any effort into this; what little coding
time I have is dedicated to rewriting a Squeak version of the SqP
reputation algorithm.

> In either case, I'd like to create the voter list as
> described in Peter's concrete proposal email.

> Is that acceptable to the team?


> If so, I'd like Daniel to post an invitation to squeak-dev,
> for volunteers to develop a voting system to our team's
> Swiki-page spec.

I think that's a *much* lower priority than posting to squeak-dev saying
how the elections are going to work - notably, how to stand as a
candidate and how to register as a voter - and then keeping up the
publicity so that people decide whether to stand and register.  However,
I agree that it is a task that needs doing.

		- Peter

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