[Etoys] A few notes on Bookmorph

Yoshiki Ohshima yoshiki at squeakland.org
Thu Oct 19 01:12:50 EDT 2006


> > There are a few confusing things about Bookmorph that I wanted to mention
> > (the first for a long time). Neither of them are bugs, so I'll try to be
> > brief:
> I forgot #3, bringing up the book menu by clicking on the middle "." control, 
> and then "find", the text runs outside the find window bounds,

  Thank you for these reports.  We didn't get around fixing all places
where "small fonts" are used, and the menu of BookMorph is one of
them.  Understandable buttons would be good.

  Picking up a Book is an issue.  Enable dragging on the title of a
book would be good.  Also, the gap between the title and edge should
be harmless.

  FillInTheBlank (that is used for "find...") was waiting some design
change so that it resembles other green widgets such as viewer,
scriptor, project saving/loading dialogs.

  All of your points are good ones.  After this week, we open up more

  Thank you!

-- Yoshiki

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