[Etoys] Testing at 1200x900

Alan Kay alan.kay at squeakland.org
Fri Oct 20 06:01:13 EDT 2006

Unless I'm quite mistaken, the BTest machines will all have the 
actual new display of 1200x900, and will be fixed as Bert suggests.




At 12:12 AM 10/20/2006, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
>Am 19.10.2006 um 23:36 schrieb Yoshiki Ohshima:
>>>I tried today to run my trusty CRT in a 1200x900 mode, but the a-test
>>>board with image build 118 would not let me. I could only make X11
>>>work at 1152x864 and set the virtual resolution to 1200x900. This is
>>>inconvenient but I think we should test projects at their actual
>>>Same goes for sugar-jhbuild. If your machine does at least 1280x960
>>>you could run Sugar at the right resolution by giving the right
>>>arguments to Xnest.
>>   Thank you for reporting.  Virtual resolution means that you have to
>>pan around?
>Yes, but it's only a small amount.
>>   I imagine that the B-Test board users will use the system in
>>different screen resolution.  So, we shouldn't assume a particular
>>fixed resolution.  (And I think it is good practice, as the product
>>OLPC will have different generations.)
>I thought the resolution will be fixed for this generation.
>- Bert -
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