[Etoys] Attempt to interactive geometry in SqueakLand-OLPC

Hilaire Fernandes hilaire2006 at laposte.net
Sat Jan 6 17:01:19 EST 2007

Yoshiki Ohshima a écrit :
>   Hilaire,
>   Sorry for a bit late.
>>>   This is a serious and impressive work.  However, for OLPC, I feel
>> Please tell me if the OLPC is responsive enough with a complex 
>> interactive drawing. I am curious.
>   It is quite ok.  I have bunch of stuff in DrGeo window, and create a
> script for a point and change its coordianate repeatedly by ticking
> the script.  I get 15-19 fps, for example.

Ok, not that bad.

>   One long term "hope", "goal", or whatever that some of the members
> at OLPC have is to make the laptop a "python" machine.  Like Lisp

Ok, I see.

Thanks for your feedback.

Best regards,

Hilaire Fernandes

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