[Etoys] Examples need to be updated

Yoshiki Ohshima yoshiki at squeakland.org
Tue Jan 9 21:41:08 EST 2007


> There is Diego's "Babel" code in Squeak 3.8 (not to be confused with the
> project called "Babel" in Croquet) but that is only usable for computer
> generated strings, while most of the text in the examples are created by
> hand. And Babel doesn't deal with the layout problems that replacing
> text causes.

  Exactly.  It is kind of hard to use for longer explanatory text.

> That would be acceptable but OLPC doesn't want to have a per country
> distribution.  So we would need some scheme to have multiple
> versions of the same projects and then have Squeak load the right
> ones. Except for the very top project selecting the right one could
> be just a matter of giving them different names.

  Hmm, I don't know if it ("OLPC doesn't want to have a per country
distribution") is the policy...  Some things such as the keyboard will
be diferent, so the manual and documents related to that will be
different.  And each country has different curriculum.  I would
imagine that the bits that get shipped with the units will be
different (but I don't know).

> >   Now, you've got to to explain what this entry says!
> He mentions that he did some quick tests with the Squeak system included
> in the OLPC images and noticed that some parts had been translated to
> Portuguese while others were still in English, and said that would make
> it very difficult for the kids to use.

  Oh, yeah.  Even Japanese translation is getting behind.  We need
some round to fix new phrases...

> He says he doesn't have time to
> work more with this, but it would be a good idea for someone to write
> some tutorials for teachers and kids. Then he links to a video of the
> eToys intro.

-- Yoshiki

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