[Etoys] WYSIwiki paper

Richard Karpinski dick at cfcl.com
Fri Jan 26 12:10:14 EST 2007

Dear helpers-of-the-flummoxed,

I want to read this paper, thrice over.

I was disappointed to see that the attachment was scrubbed.

In one of my fits to remake the world to my liking, I formed a  
thought to suggest that scrubbed attachments be put somewhere to be  
downloaded at will. When I approached that task I noticed the several  
lines below the scrubbed message. This pleased me a great deal. Not  
only had someone else had such a thought, they had built it in to the  
open source mailing list system itself. Wonderful!

Just clicking on the URL did something which stole my computer for  
quite a long while. How do I avoid that? It really annoys me for  
every Firefox download initiation.

But something was downloaded.

It was not the PDF I had hoped for but something called  
WYSIwikiTakashiYoshikiScott.obj which looked promising. I boldly  
tried to open it, on my Macintosh Desktop but then it asks me what  
application to use to open it. I dunno. Perhaps Mailman could be  
encouraged to point as well to a fuller explanation of how to  
retrieve such attachments.


Could Mailman also be induced to suggest a FAQ or two to relieve the  
list from the more boring of these requests for the most basic  
assistance? For example, is there a better resource than Google for  
finding tutorial material for Etoys or Squeak? (I do tend to escalate  
every minor difficulty I encounter into a project to save the world.)

This whole thing was provoked by:

> Yes, it is much too early to talk about the new architecture (we are
> still thinking). However, it will be along the lines (but quite a bit
> further) of the WYSIwiki that we did as an experiment last year  
> (and is
> written up in an excellent paper by Takashi Yamamiya, Yoshiki Ohshima,
> and Scott Wallace that was just presented at C5 in Kyoto.


> A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
> Name: WYSIwikiTakashiYoshikiScott.pdf
> Type: application/octet-stream
> Size: 399766 bytes
> Desc: not available
> Url : http://mailman.laptop.org/pipermail/etoys/attachments/ 
> 20070125/ce492410/WYSIwikiTakashiYoshikiScott.obj

Richard Karpinski, World Class Nitpicker
148 Sequoia Circle, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
dick at cfcl.com  Home +1 707-546-6760   Cell +1 707-228-9716

ps Put (or leave) "nitpicker" in the subject line to get past my spam  

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