[Etoys] Polygon fixes

Karl karl.ramberg at comhem.se
Thu May 10 09:43:07 EDT 2007

Here is a change set which makes the control points of polygons larger 
and it also makes the default size of the polygon bigger when it is 
pulled out from the Objects tool.

-------------- next part --------------
'From OLPC2.0 of ''24 October 2006'' [latest update: #1340] on 10 May 2007 at 3:37:30 pm'!

!PolygonMorph methodsFor: 'editing' stamp: 'kfr 5/9/2007 15:12'!
	| handle newVert tri |
	self removeHandles.
	handles _ OrderedCollection new.
	tri _ Array with: 0 at -8 with: 8 at 6 with: -6 at 6.
	vertices withIndexDo:
		[:vertPt :vertIndex |
		handle _ EllipseMorph newBounds: (Rectangle center: vertPt extent: 16 at 16)
				color: (vertIndex = self vertexCursor ifTrue: [Color blue] ifFalse: [Color yellow]).
		handle on: #mouseMove send: #dragVertex:event:fromHandle:
				to: self withValue: vertIndex.
		handle on: #mouseUp send: #dropVertex:event:fromHandle:
				to: self withValue: vertIndex.
		self addMorph: handle.
		handles addLast: handle.
		(closed or: [vertIndex < vertices size]) ifTrue:
			[newVert _ PolygonMorph
					vertices: (tri collect: [:p | p + (vertPt + (vertices atWrap: vertIndex+1) // 2)])
					color: Color green borderWidth: 1 borderColor: Color black.
			newVert on: #mouseDown send: #newVertex:event:fromHandle:
					to: self withValue: vertIndex.
			self addMorph: newVert.
			handles addLast: newVert]].
	smoothCurve ifTrue: [self updateHandles; layoutChanged].
	self changed! !

!PolygonMorph methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'kfr 5/10/2007 15:33'!
"initialize the state of the receiver"
	super initialize.
	vertices _ Array
				with: 15 @ 0
				with: 60 @ 30
				with: 0 @ 60.
	vertexCursor _ 1.
	closed _ true.
	smoothCurve _ false.
	arrows _ #none.
	self computeBounds! !

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