[Etoys] [Enhancement] SimpleSliderMorph heigth fix

Yoshiki Ohshima yoshiki at vpri.org
Thu Sep 20 01:22:26 EDT 2007


> SimpleSliders had height set to 2 pixels lots of places making them 
> impossible to adjust. This is changeset set the height to 10 pixels in a 
> lot of classes.

  Wow, this really makes me wonder what was the original authors'
intention.  It was impossible to adjust on a regular computer, and not
to mention OLPC.

  This week, we probably won't push any updates due to the Trial-3
code freeze (but if the freeze becomes longer than we expected, we
might make etoys 2.2 stream), but after that I'll push your change.

  Thank you!

-- Yoshiki


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