[Etoys] EllipseMorph and sibling instance

polishookm polishookm at mail.montclair.edu
Sun Apr 13 11:20:07 EDT 2008

To answer my own question, I think what I'm observing is noted below. If 
someone could comment that what I'm describing is how things work, that 
would be great.

1. I make an EllipseMorph
2. I open a viewer on the EllipseMorph and make a script. The script 
belongs to a Player and the Player wears the EllipseMorph
3. I bring up a halo on the EllipseMorph and click on the green 
Duplicate icon.
4. Now I have 2 Players, each of which wears an EllipseMorph
5. Opening an AllScriptsTool provides for start/stop/stop control over 
both Players

6. I make a RectangleMorph
7. I open a viewer on the RectangleMorph and make a script. The script 
belongs to a Player and the Player wears the EllipseMorph
8. I bring up a halo on the RectangleMorph and shift-click on the green 
Duplicate icon.
9. Now I have 1 Player that's wearing (controlling) 2 RectangleMorphs.
10. Opening an AllScriptsTool provides for start/stop/stop control over 
the Player that wears the 2 RectangleMorphs

I'm noticing that if AllScripts tool is on screen while EllipseMorphs or 
RectangleMorphs are being duplicated, it won't then immediately pick up 
on the fact that new Players exist. A new Player has to be run once and 
then the AllScriptsTool knows it's there.

Unrelated: The goldBoxIconSize-sw change, as noted in the change sorter, 
produces  larger but fuzzy looking icons in the Gold Menu.

Thanks in advance for all explanation and help ....

Bert Freudenberg wrote:
> On 11.04.2008, at 18:16, polishookm wrote:
>> Should all sibling instances of a morph (in etoys-dev.image) respond  
>> to
>> the same script? If this is so, I'm not sure that this is working
>> correctly with EllipseMorph.
> I'm not sure if this is a problem, but you get the terminology mixed  
> up, which may hinder understanding.
> In Etoys you do not actually script a "morph". The script belongs to a  
> "player", which "wears" a morph as its "custome". So you actually have  
> siblings of a player, not of a morph.
> Anyway, siblings should work independently of the costume. Please  
> report the steps so we can reproduce the problem.
> - Bert -
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Mark Polishook, D.M.A.
Technology Coordinator
Morehead Hall, Rm 132
Center for Academic Advising and Adult Learning
Montclair State University
Montclair, NJ 07043

polishookm at mail.montclair.edu

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