[Etoys] unable to keep current projext: duplicate selector

Yoshiki Ohshima yoshiki at vpri.org
Wed Dec 10 14:21:06 EST 2008

At Wed, 10 Dec 2008 18:07:57 +0100 (CET),
Markus Schlager wrote:
> Recently this error showed up once more and I was able to save the whole 
> image. You can download image and changes at
> <http://signalbscw.tcs.informatik.uni-muenchen.de/pub/bscw.cgi/0/211329>
> The project is called 'patricks stern am besten'. As far as I figured out, 
> the script causing the problem is 'tropfen>>a'. Possible issues may be 
> a player used within the script that got deleted, or a variable of 
> 'tropfen' having had the same name, maybe a unicode-issue with German 
> umlauts?

  A hackerly way to fix it is to create a Text in the project, type

  World attemptCleanup

into it, and press Ctrl-d.  You should get a message:

  2 [or more] repair(s) made

and you can save the image.

This is not a real fix, and I'm still trying to find why it happens.

> Attached is the SqueakDebug.log when I start the image, open a viewer for 
> 'tropfen' and try to open a script-editor for the Script 'tropfen>>a' by 
> dragging the tile from the viewer into the world. After that I left squeak
> (all on ubuntu hardy).

  This SqueakDebug.log seems showing a different problem.  Hmm.

  Let us see what is going on with the tropfen>>a.  Yes, the data
structure of the script is in an inconsistent state
(currentScriptEditor shouldn't be nil for an existing script).
Somewhere in the course, did the user try to remove the script but got
an error or such?  Or had the script gone through a textual code and
the project was saved at one point?  Script names with umlauts should
be fine, but was some non-latin-1 character used?

  I'll investigate more but any recollection would be helpful.

  For the startup time problem, what were the first a few characters
in ....ffentlich?

-- Yoshiki

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