[Etoys] portuguese in pootle

Jecel Assumpcao Jr jecel at merlintec.com
Mon Jan 21 14:39:27 EST 2008

Juliano Bittencourt wrote:
>       I also suggest, that our discussion regarding translation also  
> happens inside the localization list, since we have some volunteers in  
> translation that only participate on that list.

Good idea - I started this thread here because it seemed that the
situation for eToys was different from the rest of the translations. I
understood that Update.1 is being delayed so that the Spanish
translation could be more complete and that this was a chance to get
more done on the Portuguese effort as well. The two languages were more
or less at the same pace except for those 0% in pt_br for eToys and I
was worried that this would either make new volunteers give up thinking
there was still too much to do or they would start to work on what Paulo
had already translated long ago and would waste their time.

I would like to thank everyone who has worked to solve this problem. In
the future it would be nice to have some kind of inheritance like I
suggested but for the current deadline I think everything that was
possible has been done. Great job!

-- Jecel

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