[Etoys] GStreamer testing

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Wed Jun 18 09:51:37 EDT 2008

So I sent an inquiry to the OLPC developer's list, asking which media  
formats were supported out-of-the box on the XO. No answer.

But I found this table on the interwebs:

Media format	Required package(s)
OggVorbis	gstreamer-plugins-base
WAV, AU	gstreamer-plugins-good
MP3	gstreamer-plugins-ugly
aac/aac+	gstreamer-plugins-bad
AC3	gstreamer-ffmpeg
WMA	gstreamer-ffmpeg, gstreamer-plugins-ugly
OggTheora	gstreamer-plugins-base
H.263	gstreamer-ffmpeg, gstreamer-plugins-good
motionJPEG	gstreamer-plugins-good
MPEG1/2	gstreamer-ffmpeg, gstreamer-plugins-ugly
MPEG4	gstreamer-ffmpeg, gstreamer-plugins-ugly
WMV	gstreamer-ffmpeg, gstreamer-plugins-ugly
3GP/MP4	gstreamer-ffmpeg, gstreamer-plugins-good
AVI	gstreamer-ffmpeg, gstreamer-plugins-good
ASF	gstreamer-ffmpeg, gstreamer-plugins-ugly
MPEG2	gstreamer-ffmpeg, gstreamer-plugins-ugly

OLPC ships only the "base" and "good" plugins.  That means only Ogg is  
fully supported, with ogg-vorbis for audio (music), ogg-speex (for  
speech) and ogg-theora for video. Also, WAV and AU should work.

If someone installs "ffmpeg" and the "ugly" plugins (ugly license- 
wise), a lot more formats become available, including MP3, AC3, WMA  
for audio, MPEG and WMV for video, and depending on the codecs used  
also some kinds of MP4, AVI, or ASF.

To install these on an XO, first do

sudo rpm -ivh http://rpm.livna.org/livna-release-7.rpm
sudo rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-livna

which will install an unofficial Fedora 7 yum repository, and then

sudo yum install gstreamer-plugins-ugly gstreamer-ffmpeg

(this page was helpful to find this out: http://www.mjmwired.net/resources/mjm-fedora-f7.html)

We should definitely test with the various ogg formats, but with some  
of the additional ones, too, as this was one of the points to go with  
GStreamer. We should try to drag-and-drop from the web activity  
directly into Etoys (via the frame clipboard) or download media to the  
Journal and drag to the clipboard from there, and also the "start  
with" menu in the journal.

- Bert -

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Bert Freudenberg <bert at freudenbergs.de>
> Date: 16. Juni 2008 22:21:48 MESZ
> To: OLPC Development <devel at lists.laptop.org>
> Subject: Supported media formats?
> Which media formats are supported out-of-the box on the XO?
> I found a partial list here
> 	http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Data_File_Formats
> but it does not mention audio and video formats.
> In particular I'm interested in what GStreamer can handle as  
> installed - only the "good" plugins are shipped, but the plugin file  
> names were not too helpful. I know Ogg is supported, but what else?
> Thanks,
> - Bert -
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