[Etoys] Missing Strings for Localization?

Gerhard Steiner gd.steiner at gmx.at
Sun Mar 16 11:25:14 EDT 2008

Dear Developers,

attached please find a list with "missing" translation strings, which 
are not included in the pot-File in Pootle.
Please make them translatable. It seems, this one of the last steps 
toward a fully translated etoy.
Please let me know if I you need further informations.

best regards
Gerhard Steiner

-------------- next part --------------
Missing Strings for Translation

This is a list of some missing Translations-Strings in the olpc-etoys-image.
We have translated all strings on the Pootle-Server into German, prepared an etoy.mo and tested the resulting Image.
With German as language choice, but there is still some english text showing up :-). 
In some places, this is ok, but it doesn't look good when ...
- the buttons of an object or the branches in a menu are mixed up in two languages
- the buttons have a german label and an english baloon help.
- the first branch in an menu has german help baloon, the second an english one, the third an german one, ...

So this is a list to get the most annoying language mixups out of etoys.
The translators are willing to translate them, but we need the strings.
So please check the source and make them available.
Missing Strings Part 1

Halo Menu

Baloon Help "wether I should be resistant to easy deletion via the pink X handle"
Baloon Help "wether I should to a drag done by mousing down on me"
Baloon Help "when "locked" I am inert to all user interactions"
Baloon Help "whether the parts of objects within me that are outsice my bounds should be masked"
Baloon Help "whether direction handles are shown with the halo"
Baloon Help "whether I am open to having objects dropped into me"

Halo Menu - Border Style "complexAltFramed"
Halo Menu - Border Style "complexAltInset"
Halo Menu - Border Style "complexAltRaised"
Halo Menu - Border Style "complexFramed"
Halo Menu - Border Style "complexInset"
Halo Menu - Border Style "complexRaised"

Halo Menu - layout - table layout - cell positioning - "top right"
Halo Menu - layout - table layout - cell positioning - "bottom left"
Halo Menu - layout - table layout - cell positioning - "top center"
Halo Menu - layout - table layout - cell positioning - "left center"
Halo Menu - layout - table layout - cell positioning - "right center"
Halo Menu - layout - table layout - cell positioning - "bottom center"

Halo Menu - layout - table layout - cell spacing - "local rect"
Halo Menu - layout - table layout - cell spacing - "local square"
Halo Menu - layout - table layout - cell spacing - "global rect"
Halo Menu - layout - table layout - cell spacing - "global square"

Halo Menu - adhere to edge... "topLeft"
Halo Menu - adhere to edge... "topRight"
Halo Menu - adhere to edge... "bottomLeft"
Halo Menu - adhere to edge... "bottomRight"
Halo Menu - debug... "inspect properties"

Halo Menu - Emphasis & alignment - "bold" 
Halo Menu - Emphasis & alignment - "italic" 
Halo Menu - Emphasis & alignment - "underlined" 
Halo Menu - Emphasis & alignment - "struckOut" 
Halo Menu - Emphasis & alignment - "leftFlush" 
Halo Menu - Emphasis & alignment - "centered" 
Halo Menu - Emphasis & alignment - "right Flush" 
halo menu
script-controll - When should these script run?
"what do these mean?"
"apply my status to all siblings"
-> more... "connectedTo"
-> more... "disconnectedFrom"
-> more... "scrolledIntoView"
-> more... "scrolledOutofView"
Menu "authoring tools..."
"etoys vocabulary summary"
debug menu
"inspect properties"
Window Menu
"make undraggable"
Start Page

"Make a project" + Baloon Help "To make your own project click here"
"Tutorials and Demos"
"Gallery of Projects"
Baloon Help "This is the script that controls the car. EXperiment and try changing some numbers"
"load code updates" + help baloon "Check the Squeak server for any new code updates, and load any that are found"
"save" + help baloon "Make a complete snapshot of the current state of the image onto disk."
Book - Menu
Baloon Help "If set, when you resize the book, all of its pages get automatically resized."
Baloon Help "If on, page controls (when present), will appear at the the top of the book; if off, they will appear at the bottom"
Baloon Help "If set, the shorter form of page controls will be used when page controls are showing"
Baloon Help "If set, a row of page controls will appear at the top of the book"
Ballon Help "If set, stop-step-go buttons within the page's interior will govern only scripts for objects resinding within the page"
Ballon Help "If set, the book page occupies the entire screen"
Ballon Help "If set, the first page in the book will be considered to be the next page after the last page, so that continually pressing the next or pevious button will continually cycle through all pages of the book"
Halo Menu Bouncing Atoms Dialog Window for set atom count 
"Number of atoms?"
FreeCell Statistics
There is a bug in FreeCell: There are no checks for allowed moves. So you can move cards as you want.
"new game"
"How many players?"
"How many humans?"
"don'animate moves"
Cypher - Missing Translation Strings for Buttons in Crostic Panel
"show hints"
"show errors"
"show help"
Chess - No Translation Strings available for
"I suggest: a chess move"
Cypher Missing translation strings for buttons
"show help"
"show hints"
"clear typing"
Same-Game Missing translation strings for buttons
"New game"
Missing Strings Part 2
Tools Filelist
"OK" + baloon help "hit here to accept the current selection"
"cancel" + baloon help "hit here to cancel"
Tools File Dialog
"Art" "Morphs" "Projects" "Books" "Music" "Movies" "Flash" "TrueType" "Tape" "HTML"
"Background" + baloon help "use graphic as background"
"Import" + baloon help "read graphic into ImageImports"	
"Open" + baloon help "open graphic in a window"
"Cancel"+ baloon help "cancel this search"
"Load as morph"+ baloon help "load as morph"
"XO"+ baloon help "make XO bundle"
"Load" + baloon help "load as project"
There are maybe additional buttons and baloon helps in "Books", "Music", "Movies", "Flash", "TrueType","Tape", "HTML" 
Trash can: 
Translations are missing when you start with an empty trashcan
After first empty of trashcan translation gets visible
Misleading help text as the "-" button does not show up

baloon help "Close the trashcan. (to view again later, click on any trashcan)."
"E" + baloon help "Click here to empty the trash"
baloon help for "<" "Previous Page"
baloon help for "<" "Next Page"
help text "Objects you drag into the trash will automatically be saved ..."
flap menu
"change tab wording..."
"use graphical tab"
"use solid tab"
big help text for flaps not avalaible, when you press ("about flaps")
Preferences Main Window
"?", "browsing"
"Search Preferences for:"
"Type here, hit Search" + baloon help "Type what you want to search for here, then hit the "Search" button, or else hit RETURN or ENTER"
"Search" + baloon help "Type what you want to search for in the box above ...."
"Restore all Default Preference Settings" + baloon help "Click here to reset all the ..."
"Save Current Settings as my Personal Preferences" + baloon help "Click here to save ...."
"Restore my Personal Preferences" + baloon help "Click here to reset ..."
"Save Currenct Settings to Disk" + baloon help "Click here to save the ..." 
"Restore Settings from Disk" + baloon help "Click here to load all ..."
"Inspect Parameters" + baloon help "Click here to view all the values ..."
"Help!" + baloon help "Click here to get some hints ..."
Preferences - halo
"iconic" + baloon help "cicular icons with icons inside"
"classic" + baloon help "plain circular icons"
"simple" + baloon help "fewer, larger halos"
"custom" + baloon help "customizable halos"
Event theatre - Main window
record baloon help "Start recording"
Text while recording "Hit ESC to stop recording"
publish baloon help "When you hit this, you will be handed a button which, when it is clicked, will open up ..."
"Record Again" + baloon help "Abandon existing recording and start a new one.)
rewind baloon help "Reset to the starting condition for this recording"
play button baloon help "Replay this sequence"
"Start recording voiceover" + help baloon
"Stop recording voiceover"  + help baloon

event theatre - missing translation while playback
baloon help "Temporarily pause this playback"
baloon help "Stop playing or recording this panel"
dialog window title "The current recording has not been saved, and will be lost if you do this; are you sure you want to proceed?
event theatre player - halo menu
"auto start"
"auto dismiss"
event-roll main window
help text for event roll shows up in etoys.pot, but not while running event roll (small diff between strings in etoy2-3.pot and etoy3-0.pot
zip tool: no translation strings available
badge:  no translation strings available
StarSqueak Dialog
"evaporationRate" + baloon help "The rate at which cemicals ..."
"diffusionRate" + baloon help "The rate of chemical diffusion ..."
"cellCount" + baloon help "The number of slime mold cells"
Nebraska Server
"Shutdown the Server?"
baloon help "End Nebrasks session"
baloon help "Show more or less of Nebraska Status"
Text Chat
Baloon Help "Send with Return?"
Baloon Help "IP address for chat partner"
Dialog Window "Enter a new IP address for chat partner"
Text Chat+
"Multi chat with:"
Baloon Help "Send with Return?"
Baloon Help "Click to edit participant list"
Dialog Window "Who are you chatting with?"
Audio Chat All Translations-Strings missing

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