[Etoys] Squeakfest 2009

Marta Voelcker marta at pensamentodigital.org.br
Fri Nov 21 16:17:28 EST 2008

Hello everybody,


This is Marta from Porto Alegre - Brazil. 


 It is time to continue to plan and decide things about Squeakfest 2009. My
colleagues and I have been talking and we are enthusiastic to hold a
gathering in Porto Alegre on July 23rd to 25th ( Thursday to Saturday).
Another International Conference about  IT for Ed  - WCCE -world conference
in computers for education  is going to take place near Porto Alegre in the
following week - July 27th to 31st.  We thought that some of the people
coming for Squeakfest would  get interested in attending WCCE and vice

Please visit their website -  <http://www.wcce2009.org> www.wcce2009.org.  I
think this conference is very relevant to our community.  It is still
possible to submit papers if you are interested!  The deadline is December


The Squeakfest would be a gathering for teachers, educators and school
coordinators --  a time for Etoy fun and a general get together. We will
certainly plan for the participation of some researchers and students as
well, but the goal of the conference  would be for participants  to share
how they are using Etoys,  or plan to use it, share ideas, experiences,
material and  strengthen Etoy community bonds. We would also welcome
teachers and reps from OLPC schools from Latin America and the Caribbean and
if possible, from other countries.  

Wouldn’t it be awesome?!


Children from Luciana de Abreu School would certainly  attend, present their
Etoy projects and, as they are used to doing at conferences, take pictures
and interview you guys with their XOs!


What do you think about it?

Let me know your ideas

Is the time of the year good for you?

Do you know this WCCE? ( I’ve never hear about it before!  Isn’t it a huge
coincidence?!  We have been considering Squeakfest 2009 in Porto Alegre
since Jan, and then this WCCE is going to be hold in here too?! )


Well enough questions for just one email!!!!

I hope to hear from you during the weekend!

All the best,


Marta Voelcker


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