Fonts (was Re: [etoys-dev] Wording in Clouds)

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at
Sat Aug 1 01:36:37 EDT 2009

Bert Freudenberg wrote:
> The list of *ttf on the Mac isn't really long, most fonts are not in 
> truetype format apparently:
> ('Al Bayan' 'Andale Mono' 'AppleMyungjo' 'Arial' 'Arial Black' 'Arial 
> Hebrew' 'Arial Narrow' 'Arial Rounded MT Bold' 'Arial Unicode MS' 
> 'Ayuthaya' 'Baghdad' 'Brush Script MT' 'Chalkboard' 'Comic Sans MS' 
> 'Corsiva Hebrew' 'Courier New' 'DecoType Naskh' 'Devanagari MT' 
> 'Euphemia UCAS' 'Georgia' 'Gujarati MT' 'Gurmukhi MT' 'Impact' 
> 'InaiMathi' 'Kailasa' 'Kokonor' 'Krungthep' 'KufiStandardGK' 'Microsoft 
> Sans Serif' 'Mshtakan' 'Nadeem' 'New Peninim MT' 'Plantagenet Cherokee' 
> 'Sathu' 'Silom' 'Tahoma' 'Times New Roman' 'Trebuchet MS' 'Verdana' 
> 'Webdings' 'Wingdings' 'Wingdings 2' 'Wingdings 3')

That can't be right. Where are the standard Apple fonts? What format are 
they in? Are we perhaps looking in the wrong directories?

> There were 5 more fonts but their names were mangled (IIRC fonts can 
> store their meta data in various languages and encodings).

Try "TTFileDescription fontFromUser" - this will show the family names 
extracted from the fonts instead of the file names.

> Attaching a changeset with my fixes (though maybe the bitmap detection 
> should not just rely on errors).

Yup, I changed that to just return nil and then filter those out. The 
result is that now readFontsFrom: simply returns an empty array for such 

> If anyone else is testing on a Mac you might find this helpful (and if 
> you do, review and push, thanks):

I've attached the updated fix to

(it's also in

   - Andreas

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