[etoys-dev] GSoC - Progress on the graphing tools

Hilaire Fernandes hilaire.fernandes at edu.ge.ch
Sat Apr 17 18:32:16 EDT 2010

2010/4/16 Ricardo Moran <richi.moran at gmail.com>

> Yes, they are different and also the scope of these tools is much more
> limited than Dr. Geo.
> Dr. Geo is a big project and I would like to take it's implementation as an
> example to develop my stuff, if that's okay with you. I also like the way
> Dr. Geo uses the WheelMorph, I may borrow it :)

Please learn from it and borrow what you want.

PD: The example you have there it's very cool! It's not easy to reproduce

It is hower Etoys project saveable. I am not sure I have one such project of
it though



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