[etoys-dev] SQ-94 - Flip and Tumble

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Mon Aug 16 08:52:49 EDT 2010

On 16.08.2010, at 04:01, Steve Thomas wrote:

> Tried the new flip and tumble works great (for sketches, would be nice if this worked for all costumes, polygons would be trivial ;)
> Now that we have flip and tumble, do we need rotation style?  To me its confusing to have both and flip and tumble are much simpler to learn and use.

Yes we need it. How else would you make a painted object go upright on the screen? It disables actual rotation and automatically flips the graphic depending on heading. Flip and tumble are just one-shot operations that change the graphics. 

IMHO, calling them "flip left right" and "flip up down" would be simpler to understand, and consistent with the rotation style terms.

> I think we hide the "rotation style" tile when in Etoys Friendly mode.

Did you mean to write "we should"?

- Bert -

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