[etoys-dev] Etoys: Monticello-bf.398.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Wed Aug 18 10:36:47 EDT 2010

Bert Freudenberg uploaded a new version of Monticello to project Etoys:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Monticello-bf.398
Author: bf
Time: 18 August 2010, 4:36:35 pm
UUID: b6ad0f25-8cf3-4040-a176-0651acfff26d
Ancestors: Monticello-bf.392, Monticello-ar.397

Merge latest from trunk:
- display class comment changes
- file-out-all for PatchBrowser (to package changes)
- more robust HTTP upload

=============== Diff against Monticello-bf.392 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy class>>initialize (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  		at: #MczInstaller
  		ifPresent: [:installer | self adoptVersionInfoFrom: installer].
  	self updateInstVars.
  	"Temporary conversion code -- remove later"
  	registry ifNotNil:[registry rehash]. "changed #="
  	self allInstancesDo:[:each| "moved notifications"
  		Smalltalk at: #SystemChangeNotifier ifPresent:[:cls|
  			cls uniqueInstance noMoreNotificationsFor: each.
+ 	self registerForNotifications.
+ 	Smalltalk addToStartUpList: self!
- 	self registerForNotifications.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCPackageManager class>>reregisterForNotificationsWith: (in category 'system changes') -----
+ reregisterForNotificationsWith: aSystemChangeNotifier
+ 	aSystemChangeNotifier
+ 		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Added using: #classModified:;
+ 		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Modified using: #classModified:;
+ 		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Renamed using: #classModified:;
+ 		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Commented using: #classModified:;
+ 		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Recategorized using: #classMoved:;
+ 		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Removed using: #classRemoved:;
+ 		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #method change: #Added using: #methodModified:;
+ 		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #method change: #Modified using: #methodModified:;
+ 		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #method change: #Recategorized using: #methodMoved:;
+ 		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #method change: #Removed using: #methodRemoved:!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCFileRepositoryInspector>>refresh (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  	| packageNames |
  	packageNames := Set new.
  	packageList := nil.
  	versions := repository readableFileNames collect: [ :each | | name |
  		name := (each copyUpToLast: $.) copyUpTo: $(.
  		name last isDigit ifFalse: [Array with: name with: '' with: '' with: each]
  					with: (packageNames add: (name copyUpToLast:  $-))		"pkg name"
  					with: ((name copyAfterLast: $-) copyUpTo: $.)				"user"
  					with: ((name copyAfterLast: $-) copyAfter: $.) asInteger	"version"
  					with: each]].
- 	versions := versions select: [:each | (each at: 3) isNumber].
  	newer := Set new.
  	inherited := Set new.
  	loaded := Set new.
  	(MCWorkingCopy allManagers 
  "		select: [ :each | packageNames includes: each packageName]")
  		do: [:each | | latest |
  			each ancestors do: [ :ancestor |
  				loaded add: ancestor name.
  				ancestor ancestorsDoWhileTrue: [:heir |
  					(inherited includes: heir name)
  						ifTrue: [false]
  						ifFalse: [inherited add: heir name. true]]].
  			latest := (versions select: [:v | v first = each package name])	
  				detectMax: [:v | v third].
  			(latest notNil and: [
  				each ancestors allSatisfy: [:ancestor | | av |
  					av := ((ancestor name copyAfterLast: $-) copyAfter: $.) asInteger.
  					av < latest third or: [
  						av = latest third and: [((ancestor name copyAfterLast: $-) copyUpTo: $.) ~= latest second]]]])
  				ifTrue: [newer add: each package name ]].
  	self changed: #packageList; changed: #versionList!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCCodeTool>>methodListMenu: (in category 'menus') -----
  methodListMenu: aMenu
  	"Build the menu for the selected method, if any."
+ 	self selectedMessageName
+ 	ifNil: [items notEmpty ifTrue:
+ 		[aMenu addList:#(('fileOut (o)'					fileOutMessage))]]
+ 	ifNotNil: [
- 	self selectedMessageName ifNotNil: [
  	aMenu addList:#(
  			('browse full (b)' 						browseMethodFull)
  			('browse hierarchy (h)'					classHierarchy)
  			('browse method (O)'					openSingleMessageBrowser)
  			('browse protocol (p)'					browseFullProtocol)
  			('fileOut (o)'							fileOutMessage)
  			('printOut'								printOutMessage)
  			('copy selector (c)'						copySelector)).
  		aMenu addList: #(
  			('browse senders (n)'						browseSendersOfMessages)
  			('browse implementors (m)'					browseMessages)
  			('inheritance (i)'						methodHierarchy)
  			('versions (v)'							browseVersions)
  		('change sets with this method'			findMethodInChangeSets)
  "		('x revert to previous version'				revertToPreviousVersion)"
  		('remove from current change set'		removeFromCurrentChanges)
  "		('x revert & remove from changes'		revertAndForget)"
  		('add to current change set'				adoptMessageInCurrentChangeset)
  "		('x copy up or copy down...'				copyUpOrCopyDown)"
  "		('x remove method (x)'					removeMessage)"
  "	aMenu addList: #(
  			('x inst var refs...'						browseInstVarRefs)
  			('x inst var defs...'						browseInstVarDefs)
  			('x class var refs...'						browseClassVarRefs)
  			('x class variables'						browseClassVariables)
  			('x class refs (N)'							browseClassRefs)
  	^ aMenu

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCFileBasedRepository>>notifyList (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
- 	| list |
  	(self allFileNames includes: 'notify') ifFalse: [^ #()].
  	^ self readStreamForFileNamed: 'notify' do:
  		[:s |
+ 		s upToEnd lines]!
- 		s upToEnd withSqueakLineEndings findTokens: (String with: Character cr)]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCClassDefinition>>printCommentOn: (in category 'printing') -----
+ printCommentOn: stream
+ 	stream
+ 		nextPut: $";
+ 		nextPutAll: self comment asString;
+ 		nextPut: $"
+ !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCSnapshotBrowser>>allClassNames (in category 'accessing') -----
  	^ (items 
+ 		select: [:ea | (ea isOrganizationDefinition | ea isScriptDefinition) not] 
- 		select: [:ea | ea isOrganizationDefinition not] 
  		thenCollect: [:ea | ea className]) asSet.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCPackageManager class>>registerForNotifications (in category 'system changes') -----
+ 	Smalltalk
+ 		at: #SystemChangeNotifier
+ 		ifPresent:
+ 			[:cls|
+ 			cls uniqueInstance noMoreNotificationsFor: self.
+ 			self reregisterForNotificationsWith: cls uniqueInstance]!
- 	Smalltalk at: #SystemChangeNotifier ifPresent:[:cls|
- 	(cls uniqueInstance)
- 		noMoreNotificationsFor: self;
- 		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Added using: #classModified:;
- 		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Modified using: #classModified:;
- 		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Renamed using: #classModified:;
- 		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Commented using: #classModified:;
- 		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Recategorized using: #classMoved:;
- 		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Removed using: #classRemoved:;
- 		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #method change: #Added using: #methodModified:;
- 		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #method change: #Modified using: #methodModified:;
- 		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #method change: #Recategorized using: #methodMoved:;
- 		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #method change: #Removed using: #methodRemoved:
- 	].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCPackageManager class>>flushObsoletePackageInfos (in category 'cleanup') -----
+ flushObsoletePackageInfos
+ 	"Flush any and all PackageInfos that are not associated with an MCPackageManager."
+ 	| pkgNames |
+ 	pkgNames := self allManagers collect:[:wcs| wcs packageName] as: Set.
+ 	PackageOrganizer default flushObsoletePackages:[:p|
+ 		p class isObsolete or:[(pkgNames includes: p packageName) not].
+ 	].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCClassDefinition>>source (in category 'printing') -----
+ 	^ self definitionAndCommentString!
- 	^ self definitionString!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy class>>startUp: (in category 'system startup') -----
+ startUp: resuming
+ 	"Ensure Monticello is receiving system change notifications."
+ 	resuming ifTrue:
+ 		[Smalltalk
+ 			at: #SystemChangeNotifier
+ 			ifPresent: [:scn| self reregisterForNotificationsWith: scn uniqueInstance]]
+ !

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: MCPackage>>packageInfo (in category 'accessing') -----
- ----- Method: MCPackage>>packageInfo (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  	^ PackageInfo named: name!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCClassDefinition>>definitionAndCommentString (in category 'printing') -----
+ definitionAndCommentString
+ 	^ String streamContents: [:stream |
+ 		self printDefinitionOn: stream.
+ 		stream cr; cr.
+ 		self printCommentOn: stream]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCHttpRepository>>writeStreamForFileNamed:replace:do: (in category 'required') -----
  writeStreamForFileNamed: aString replace: ignoreBoolean do: aBlock
+ 	| stream response statusLine code |
- 	| stream response |
  	stream := RWBinaryOrTextStream on: String new.
  	aBlock value: stream.
  	self displayProgress: 'Uploading ', aString during:[
  		response := HTTPSocket
  					httpPut: stream contents
  					to: (self urlForFileNamed: aString)
  					user: self user
  					passwd: self password.
+ 	"More robust handling of HTTP responses. Instead of enumerating
+ 	all possible return codes and http versions, do a quick parse"
+ 	(response beginsWith: 'HTTP/') ifTrue:[
+ 		"Looks like an HTTP header, not some error message"
+ 		statusLine := response copyUpTo: Character cr.
+ 		code := [(statusLine findTokens: ' ') second asInteger] on: Error do:[].
+ 	].
+ 	(code isInteger and:[code between: 200 and: 299]) 
+ 		ifFalse:[self error: response].!
- 	(#( 'HTTP/1.1 201 ' 'HTTP/1.1 200 ' 'HTTP/1.0 201 ' 'HTTP/1.0 200 ')
- 		anySatisfy: [:code | response beginsWith: code ])
- 			ifFalse: [self error: response].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCCodeTool>>fileOutMessage (in category 'menus') -----
  	"Put a description of the selected message on a file"
+ 	| fileName |
  	self selectedMessageName ifNotNil:
  		[Cursor write showWhile:
+ 			[self selectedClassOrMetaClass fileOutMethod: self selectedMessageName].
+ 		 ^self].
+ 	items isEmpty ifTrue:
+ 		[^self].
+ 	fileName := UIManager default request: 'File out on which file?' initialAnswer: 'methods'.
+ 	Cursor write showWhile:
+ 		[| internalStream |
+ 		internalStream := WriteStream on: (String new: 1000).
+ 		internalStream header; timeStamp.
+ 		items do:
+ 			[:patchOp|
+ 			patchOp definition isMethodDefinition ifTrue:
+ 				[(patchOp definition actualClass notNil
+ 				  and: [patchOp definition actualClass includesSelector: patchOp definition selector])
+ 					ifTrue:
+ 						[patchOp definition actualClass
+ 							printMethodChunk: patchOp definition selector
+ 							withPreamble: true
+ 							on: internalStream
+ 							moveSource: false
+ 							toFile: nil]
+ 					ifFalse:
+ 						[internalStream nextChunkPut: patchOp definition className, ' removeSelector: ', patchOp definition selector printString]].
+ 			patchOp definition isClassDefinition ifTrue:
+ 				[patchOp definition actualClass
+ 					ifNotNil:
+ 						[internalStream nextChunkPut: patchOp definition actualClass definition.
+ 						 patchOp definition comment ifNotNil:
+ 							[patchOp definition actualClass organization
+ 								putCommentOnFile: internalStream
+ 								numbered: 1
+ 								moveSource: false
+ 								forClass: patchOp definition actualClass]]
+ 					ifNil:
+ 						[internalStream nextChunkPut: patchOp definition className, ' removeFromSystem']]].
+ 		FileStream writeSourceCodeFrom: internalStream baseName: fileName isSt: true useHtml: false]!
- 			[self selectedClassOrMetaClass fileOutMethod: self selectedMessageName]]!

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