[etoys-dev] Etoys: Sugar-bf.7.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Tue Aug 24 20:47:34 EDT 2010

Bert Freudenberg uploaded a new version of Sugar to project Etoys:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Sugar-bf.7
Author: bf
Time: 25 August 2010, 2:46:52 am
UUID: 39bb1c74-b8e6-4018-ab17-2d0da5239201
Ancestors: Sugar-bf.6

- do not save automatically when quitting under Sugar
- keep button brings up details dialog (but not yet synced with Sugar properties)
- the old behavior can be restored by enabling the sugarAutoSave preference

=============== Diff against Sugar-bf.6 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SugarNavigatorBar>>startUp (in category 'initialization') -----
  	self checkSugarButtons

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SugarLauncher>>quit (in category 'commands') -----
+ 	| autoSave |
+ 	autoSave := self shouldSaveOnQuit.
- 	self leaveSharedActivity.
+ 	Preferences sugarAutoSave ifFalse: [
+ 		autoSave := false.
+ 		(self 
+ 			confirm: 'Are you sure you want to quit Etoys?
+ (the project will NOT be saved)' translated)
+ 				ifFalse: [^self]].
+ 	autoSave
- 	self shouldAutoSave
  		ifFalse: [^Smalltalk quitPrimitive].
  	Project current
  		projectParameterAt: #sugarAutoSave put: true;

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SugarLauncher>>shouldSaveOnQuit (in category 'testing') -----
+ shouldSaveOnQuit
+ 	"Don't save the home project to avoid confusion. Also, don't save if something was loaded from the XO bundle - this is for Etoys-based Sugar activities (e.g. made using #bundle:)."
+ 	^Project current ~~ Project home
+ 		and: [(Smalltalk getSystemAttribute: 2) isEmptyOrNil]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SugarNavigatorBar>>stopButtonAppearance (in category 'event handling') -----
+ stopButtonAppearance
+ 	"Indicated whether stopping in Sugar will keep or not"
+ 	| wasStop isStop oldButton |
+ 	(self isSugar and: [stopButton notNil])  ifTrue: [
+ 		wasStop := stopButton actionSelector = #stopSqueak.
+ 		isStop := SugarLauncher current willSaveOnQuit.
+ 		wasStop = isStop ifFalse: [
+ 			oldButton := stopButton.
+ 			stopButton := isStop ifTrue: [self buttonStop] ifFalse: [self buttonQuit].
+ 			oldButton owner replaceSubmorph: oldButton by: stopButton]].
+ !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SugarNavigatorBar>>checkSugarButtons (in category 'initialization') -----
  	| wasSugar |
  	(owner hasProperty: #collapsedMode) ifTrue: [^self].
+ 	wasSugar := paintButton owner submorphs anySatisfy:
+ 		[:e | e isButton and: [e actionSelector = #chooseObject]].
+ 	isSugar := SugarLauncher current isRunningInSugar.
- 	wasSugar := isSugar == true.
- 	isSugar := SugarLauncher isRunningInSugar.
  	wasSugar = isSugar ifFalse: [self rebuildButtons].

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SugarLauncher>>willSaveOnQuit (in category 'testing') -----
+ willSaveOnQuit
+ 	^Preferences sugarAutoSave
+ 		and: [self shouldSaveOnQuit]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SugarLauncher>>makeJournalEntryFor:filename:mimetype: (in category 'datastore') -----
  makeJournalEntryFor: aProject filename: aFilename mimetype: mimetypeString
+ 	"If this is a new project (no journal id yet), create a new Journal object, and remember the new id.
+ 	Otherwise, if this is an auto-save, update the existing Journal entry. 
+ 	But if it is an explicit save, always create a new entry. Which entry we continue to work on depends on the sugarAutoSave preference. If enabled (before 4.1), the new entry is just a checkpoint, the project continues to use the old id/entry, and will be saved again on quit. If disabled (default since 4.1), we switch to the newly created id/entry."
  	| id |
  	(id := aProject sugarObjectId)
  		ifNil: [
  			id := self createJournalEntryFor: aProject filename: aFilename mimetype: mimetypeString.
  			aProject sugarObjectId: id.
  			self monitorJournalEntry: id]
  		ifNotNil: [
+ 			(Preferences sugarAutoSave and: [aProject projectParameterAt: #sugarAutoSave ifAbsent: [true]])
- 			(aProject projectParameterAt: #sugarAutoSave ifAbsent: [true])
  				ifTrue: [self updateJournalEntry: id for: aProject filename: aFilename mimetype: mimetypeString]
+ 				ifFalse: [
+ 					id := self createJournalEntryFor: aProject filename: aFilename mimetype: mimetypeString.
+ 					Preferences sugarAutoSave ifFalse: [
+ 						self unmonitorJournalEntry: aProject sugarObjectId.
+ 						aProject sugarObjectId: id.
+ 						self monitorJournalEntry: id]]]!
- 				ifFalse: [self createJournalEntryFor: aProject filename: aFilename mimetype: mimetypeString]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SugarNavigatorBar>>makeTheButtons (in category 'initialization') -----
  	^ {
  		self buttonHelp.
  		self makeProjectNameLabel.
  		Preferences showAdvancedNavigatorButtons
  			ifTrue: [{self buttonNewProject}]
  			ifFalse: [#()]
  		self buttonPrev.
  		self buttonNext.
  		self buttonPaint.
  		self buttonSupplies.
  		self buttonLanguage.
  	(SugarLauncher isRunningInSugar
  		ifTrue: [{
  			self buttonShare.
  			self buttonChoose.
  			self buttonKeep.
+ 			stopButton := SugarLauncher current willSaveOnQuit
+ 				ifTrue: [self buttonStop]
+ 				ifFalse: [self buttonQuit]	}]
- 			self buttonStop.
- 			}]
  		ifFalse: [{
  			self buttonZoom.
  			self buttonFind.
  			self buttonPublish.
  			self buttonQuit}]
  	(Preferences navControlInNavBar
  		ifTrue: [{self buttonHideNavBar}]
  		ifFalse: [#()])!

Item was changed:
  ProjectNavigationMorph subclass: #SugarNavigatorBar
+ 	instanceVariableNames: 'sugarLib highLightColor paintButton undoButton shareButton stopButton supplies listener suppliesFlap projectNameField isSugar'
- 	instanceVariableNames: 'sugarLib highLightColor paintButton undoButton shareButton supplies listener suppliesFlap projectNameField isSugar'
  	classVariableNames: ''
  	poolDictionaries: ''
  	category: 'Sugar'!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SugarLauncher>>propertiesFrom: (in category 'datastore') -----
  propertiesFrom: aProject
+ 	| preview autoSave props markFavorite setActivity |
- 	| preview autoSave props |
  	preview := [ByteArray streamContents: [:s | PNGReadWriter 
  		putForm: (aProject thumbnail asFormOfDepth: 16)
  		onStream: s]] ifError: [''].
  	autoSave := aProject projectParameterAt: #sugarAutoSave ifAbsent: [true].
+ 	setActivity := Preferences sugarAutoSave not | autoSave.	
+ 	markFavorite := Preferences sugarAutoSave & autoSave not.
  	props := (aProject sugarProperties ifNil: [Dictionary new]) copy.
  		'activity' -> self bundleId.
+ 		'activity_id' -> (setActivity ifTrue: [self activityId] ifFalse: ['']).
- 		'activity_id' -> (autoSave ifTrue: [self activityId] ifFalse: ['']). "temp hack for trial-3"
  		'title:text' -> (self titleFromProject: aProject)  squeakToUtf8.
  		'title_set_by_user' -> (aProject currentVersionNumber>0 ifTrue: ['1'] ifFalse: ['0']).
+ 		'keep' -> (markFavorite ifTrue: ['1'] ifFalse: ['0']).
- 		'keep' -> (autoSave ifTrue: ['0'] ifFalse: ['1']).
  		'mtime' -> (DateAndTime now asString first: 19).
  		'timestamp' -> (DateAndTime now asUnixTime).
  		'preview' -> preview.
  		'icon-color' -> self ownerBuddy colors.
  	} do: [:each | props add: each].

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SugarLauncher>>unmonitorJournalEntry: (in category 'datastore') -----
+ unmonitorJournalEntry: objectId
+ 	self dataStore 
+ 		onUpdated: objectId
+ 		send: nil
+ 		to: self.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SugarLauncher classSide>>defaultDatastoreDirName (in category 'utilities') -----
+ 	^ '[Journal]'
- 	^ '[Projects in Journal]'

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SugarNavigatorBar>>buttonStop (in category 'buttons creation') -----
+ 	^self makeButton: 'stop' balloonText: 'Quit Etoys (with saving)' translated for: #stopSqueak
- 	^ self makeButton: 'stop' balloonText: 'Stop and Quit Etoys' translated for: #stopSqueak

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SugarNavigatorBar>>step (in category 'morphic interaction') -----
+ 	self checkSugarButtons.
  	self checkForResize.
  	self undoButtonAppearance.
+ 	self stopButtonAppearance.!
- !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SugarNavigatorBar>>isSugar (in category 'accessing') -----
+ isSugar
+ 	^isSugar == true!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SugarNavigatorBar>>keepProject (in category 'the actions') -----
+ 	Preferences sugarAutoSave
+ 		ifTrue: [SugarLauncher current save]
+ 		ifFalse: [self publishProject]
+ !
- 	^SugarLauncher current save!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SugarLauncher classSide>>initialize (in category 'services') -----
+ initialize
+ 	Preferences
+ 		addPreference: #sugarAutoSave
+ 		category:  #morphic
+ 		default: false
+ 		balloonHelp: 'If enabled, quitting under Sugar will automatically save the current project.'.
+ !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SugarLauncher>>shouldAutoSave (in category 'testing') -----
- shouldAutoSave
- 	"Don't auto-save the home project to avoid confusion. Also, don't auto-save if something was loaded from the XO bundle - this is for Etoys-based Sugar activities (e.g. made using #bundle:)."
- 	^Project current ~~ Project home
- 		and: [(Smalltalk getSystemAttribute: 2) isEmptyOrNil]!

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