[etoys-dev] Etoys: Etoys-bf.45.mcz

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Tue Sep 7 16:33:07 EDT 2010

Bert Freudenberg uploaded a new version of Etoys to project Etoys:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Etoys-bf.45
Author: bf
Time: 7 September 2010, 10:32:13 pm
UUID: 623c3a58-cab1-4757-9990-7ec576925957
Ancestors: Etoys-bf.44

SQ-783: Add back TimesRepeatMorph

=============== Diff against Etoys-bf.44 ===============

Item was added:
+ CompoundTileMorph subclass: #TimesRepeatMorph
+ 	instanceVariableNames: 'numberOfTimesToRepeatPart whatToRepeatPart'
+ 	classVariableNames: ''
+ 	poolDictionaries: ''
+ 	category: 'Etoys-Scripting Tiles'!
+ !TimesRepeatMorph commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
+ This class is not used anymore. We keep it to let old projects work.
+ If we added code to auto-convert old instances of this classs to TimesRepeatTile instances, we could delete it for good.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TimesRepeatMorph>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
+ initialize
+ 	"Fully initialize the receiver."
+ 	| dummyColumn timesRow  timesRepeatColumn repeatRow separator repeatLabel placeHolder doLabel ephemerum |
+ 	submorphs _ EmptyArray.
+ 	bounds _ 0 at 0 corner: 50 at 40.
+ 	self color: Color orange muchLighter.
+ 	self layoutPolicy: TableLayout new.
+ 	self "border, and layout properties in alphabetical order..."
+ 		borderColor: self color darker;
+ 		borderWidth: 2; 
+ 		cellSpacing: #none;
+ 		cellPositioning: #topLeft;
+ 		hResizing: #spaceFill;
+ 		layoutInset: 0;
+ 		listDirection: #leftToRight;
+ 		rubberBandCells: true;
+ 		vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
+ 		wrapCentering: #none.
+ 	self setNameTo: 'Repeat Complex'.
+ 	dummyColumn _ AlignmentMorph newColumn.
+ 	dummyColumn cellInset: 0; layoutInset: 0.
+ 	dummyColumn width: 0.
+ 	dummyColumn cellPositioning: #leftCenter.
+ 	dummyColumn hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #spaceFill.
+ 	self addMorph: dummyColumn.
+ 	timesRepeatColumn _ AlignmentMorph newColumn.
+ 	timesRepeatColumn setNameTo: 'Times Repeat'.
+ 	timesRepeatColumn cellPositioning: #topLeft.
+ 	timesRepeatColumn hResizing: #spaceFill.
+  	timesRepeatColumn vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
+ 	timesRepeatColumn layoutInset: 0.
+ 	timesRepeatColumn borderWidth: 0.
+ 	timesRepeatColumn color:  Color orange muchLighter.
+ 	timesRow _ AlignmentMorph newRow color: color; layoutInset: 0.
+ 	timesRow minCellSize: (2 at 16).
+ 	timesRow setNameTo: 'Times'.
+ 	repeatLabel _ StringMorph  contents: 'Repeat' translated font:  Preferences standardEToysFont.
+ 	timesRow addMorphBack: repeatLabel.
+ 	timesRow vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
+ 	timesRow addMorphBack: (Morph new color: color; extent: 6 at 5).  "spacer"
+ 	numberOfTimesToRepeatPart := TilePadMorph new setType: #Number.
+ 	numberOfTimesToRepeatPart hResizing: #shrinkWrap; color: Color transparent.
+ 	numberOfTimesToRepeatPart addMorphBack: (TileMorph new addArrows; setLiteral: 2).
+ 	numberOfTimesToRepeatPart borderWidth: 0; layoutInset: (1 at 0).
+ 	timesRow addMorphBack: numberOfTimesToRepeatPart.
+ 	timesRow addMorphBack: (StringMorph  contents: ' times ' font: Preferences standardEToysFont).
+ 	timesRow addMorphBack: AlignmentMorph newVariableTransparentSpacer.
+ 	timesRepeatColumn addMorphBack: timesRow.
+ 	separator _ AlignmentMorph newRow color:  Color transparent.
+ 	separator vResizing: #rigid; hResizing: #spaceFill; height: 2.
+ 	separator borderWidth: 0.
+ 	timesRepeatColumn addMorphBack: separator.
+ 	repeatRow _ AlignmentMorph newRow color: color; layoutInset: 0.
+ 	repeatRow minCellSize: (2 at 16).
+ 	repeatRow setNameTo: 'Repeat '.
+ 	placeHolder _ Morph new.
+ 	placeHolder beTransparent; extent: (8 at 0).
+ 	repeatRow addMorphBack: placeHolder.
+ 	repeatRow vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
+ 	doLabel _ StringMorph  contents: 'Do' font: Preferences standardEToysFont.
+ 	repeatRow addMorphBack: doLabel.
+ 	repeatRow addMorphBack: (Morph new color: color; extent: 5 at 5).  "spacer"
+ 	repeatRow addMorphBack: (whatToRepeatPart _ ScriptEditorMorph new borderWidth: 0; layoutInset: 0).
+ 	whatToRepeatPart hResizing: #spaceFill.
+ 	whatToRepeatPart vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
+ 	whatToRepeatPart color: Color transparent.
+ 	whatToRepeatPart setNameTo: 'Script to repeat'.
+ 	whatToRepeatPart addMorphBack: (ephemerum := Morph new height: 14) beTransparent.
+ 	timesRepeatColumn addMorphBack: repeatRow.
+ 	self addMorphBack: timesRepeatColumn.
+ 	self bounds: self fullBounds.
+ 	ephemerum delete!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TimesRepeatMorph>>labelMorphs (in category 'access') -----
+ labelMorphs
+ 	| w |
+ 	w := WriteStream on: (Array new: 3).
+ 	w nextPut: self submorphs second submorphs first submorphs first.
+ 	w nextPut: self submorphs second submorphs first submorphs fourth.
+ 	w nextPut: self submorphs second submorphs third submorphs second.
+ 	^ w contents.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TimesRepeatMorph>>parseNodeWith: (in category 'code generation') -----
+ parseNodeWith: encoder
+ 	| rec selector arg |
+ 	rec _ numberOfTimesToRepeatPart submorphs
+ 		ifEmpty:
+ 			[encoder encodeLiteral: 0]
+ 		ifNotEmpty:
+ 			[numberOfTimesToRepeatPart parseNodeWith: encoder].
+ 	selector _ #timesRepeat:.
+ 	arg _ self blockNode: whatToRepeatPart with: encoder.
+ 	^ MessageNode new
+ 				receiver: rec
+ 				selector: selector
+ 				arguments: (Array with: arg)
+ 				precedence: (selector precedence)
+ 				from: encoder
+ 				sourceRange: nil.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TimesRepeatMorph>>sexpWith: (in category 'code generation') -----
+ sexpWith: dictionary
+ 	| n elements e |
+ 	n _ SExpElement keyword: #loop.
+ 	n attributeAt: #type put: 'repeat'.
+ 	elements _ WriteStream on: (Array new: 3).
+ 	e _ SExpElement keyword: #initial.
+ 	e elements: (Array with: ((SExpElement keyword: #literal) attributeAt: #value put: '1'; yourself)).
+ 	elements nextPut: e.
+ 	e _ SExpElement keyword: #increment.
+ 	e elements: (Array with: ((SExpElement keyword: #literal) attributeAt: #value put: '1'; yourself)).
+ 	elements nextPut: e.
+ 	e _ SExpElement keyword: #test.
+ 	numberOfTimesToRepeatPart submorphs
+ 		ifEmpty:
+ 			[e elements: (Array with: ((SExpElement keyword: #literal) attributeAt: #value put: '0'; yourself))]
+ 		ifNotEmpty:
+ 			[e elements: (Array with: (numberOfTimesToRepeatPart sexpWith: dictionary))].
+ 	elements nextPut: e.
+ 	elements nextPut: (self sexpBlockFor: whatToRepeatPart with: dictionary).
+ 	n elements: elements contents.
+ 	^ n.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TimesRepeatMorph>>storeCodeOn:indent: (in category 'code generation') -----
+ storeCodeOn: aStream indent: tabCount
+ 	"Store code representing the receiver on the stream, obeying the tab state."
+ 	aStream nextPutAll: '(('.
+ 	numberOfTimesToRepeatPart submorphs
+ 		ifEmpty:
+ 			[aStream nextPutAll: '0']
+ 		ifNotEmpty:
+ 			[numberOfTimesToRepeatPart storeCodeOn: aStream indent: tabCount + 2].
+ 	aStream nextPutAll: ' ) asInteger max: 0) timesRepeat:'.
+ 	tabCount + 1 timesRepeat: [aStream tab].
+ 	aStream nextPutAll: '['; cr.
+ 	self storeCodeBlockFor: whatToRepeatPart on: aStream indent: tabCount + 2.
+ 	aStream nextPut: $].
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TimesRepeatMorph>>targetPartFor: (in category 'initialization') -----
+ targetPartFor: aMorph
+ 	"Return the row into which the given morph should be inserted."
+ 	| centerY |
+ 	centerY _ aMorph fullBounds center y.
+ 	{numberOfTimesToRepeatPart, whatToRepeatPart} do: [:m |
+ 		(centerY <= m bounds bottom) ifTrue: [^ m]].
+ 	^ noPart
+ !

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