[etoys-dev] Etoys: MorphicExtras-kfr.41.mcz

Derek O'Connell doc at doconnel.f9.co.uk
Mon Oct 17 07:30:13 EDT 2011

Hi Karl,

>  I have not figured this out on my side. Rotating the morph get the
>  plugin into bogus state and eventual crashes. Must be some problems
>  with rotated forms. But I get no good debug info, just crash :-(

Can you give me the details of your set-up and a better idea of what 
happens just before the crash? Also, if it's not too much hassle, could 
you run Etoys via gdb to see where exactly it hangs? I'm attaching the 
change-set from my recent edits which allow me to rotate the morph and 
take snapshots (ImageMorphs) in case it's any help.


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