[etoys-dev] Future Release feature: A slide/glide tile

Steve Thomas sthomas1 at gosargon.com
Sun Feb 26 23:58:34 EST 2012

So I created SQ-1021 <http://tracker.squeakland.org/browse/SQ-1021> where I
am looking for something similar to Scratch's <glide [n} secs to x:[ ] y: [
]> tile, but more generic.

A scripting tile that changed any numeric value incrementally over a period
of time. Something like: <glide:  <numeric Attribute> to: [new value] in []

Use Cases:

   1. Change the width/length of a playfield, to create a Mouse Over drop
   down type menu
   2. Glide to position X,Y in z seconds
   3. Changing alpha to create fade in/fade out effects
   4. Changing other color values (just for fun, and imagine if I could
   address each pixel in a graphic this way :D, okay Karl already imagined and
   implemented that the color reader/writer way, thanks Karl)

I tried doing this in the existing Etoys and it is possible, the problems
(at least for me) are:

   1. You have to re-create the same basic script each time for each
   attribute and player, first time cool, after that, boring and tedious (well
   that's another enhancement request)
   2. You can't pass an attribute in as a parameter to a script (this I
   think would solve the problem, and if I could pass more than one variable
   to a script, I could pass:
      1. player
      2. numeric attribute
      3. time
      4. new value.

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