[etoys-dev] Etoys: System-Richo.48.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Fri Jan 13 13:28:56 EST 2012

Ricardo Moran uploaded a new version of System to project Etoys:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-Richo.48
Author: Richo
Time: 13 January 2012, 3:27:34 pm
UUID: 1b767f2a-dc2a-c446-bcde-3e3b182e5c0c
Ancestors: System-bf.47

* Modified the way the locale changes are notified to morphs. Basically, Project>>#updateLocaleDependentsWithPreviousSupplies:gently: now sends #localeChanged to all morphs and the default implementation in Morph does nothing.
* Added Scott fix to retain the old order (first all morphs that are not top-level ScriptEditorMorphs)

=============== Diff against System-bf.47 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Project>>updateLocaleDependentsWithPreviousSupplies:gently: (in category 'language') -----
  updateLocaleDependentsWithPreviousSupplies: aCollection gently: gentlyFlag
  	"Set the project's natural language as indicated"
  	| morphs scriptEditors |
  	gentlyFlag ifTrue: [
  		LanguageEnvironment localeChangedGently.
  	] ifFalse: [
  		LanguageEnvironment localeChanged.
  	morphs := IdentitySet new: 400.
  	ActiveWorld allMorphsAndBookPagesInto: morphs.
  	scriptEditors := morphs select: [:m | (m isKindOf: ScriptEditorMorph) and: [m topEditor == m]].
+ 	(morphs copyWithoutAll: scriptEditors) do: [:morph | morph localeChanged].
- 	morphs := morphs copyWithoutAll: scriptEditors.
- 	morphs do: [:morph |
- 		morph isTileScriptingElement ifTrue: [morph localeChanged].
- 		(morph isKindOf: TextMorph) ifTrue: [morph localeChanged].
- 			"NB: only those marked as translatable will be translated..."
- 		morph class == ObjectsTool ifTrue: [morph localeChanged]].
  	scriptEditors do: [:m | m localeChanged].
  	Flaps disableGlobalFlaps: false.
  	Preferences sugarNavigator 
  			[Flaps addAndEnableEToyFlapsWithPreviousEntries: aCollection.
  			ActiveWorld addGlobalFlaps]
  			[Preferences eToyFriendly
  					[Flaps addAndEnableEToyFlaps.
  					ActiveWorld addGlobalFlaps]
  					[Flaps enableGlobalFlaps]].
  	(Project current isFlapIDEnabled: 'Navigator' translated)
  		ifFalse: [Flaps enableDisableGlobalFlapWithID: 'Navigator' translated].
  	ParagraphEditor initializeTextEditorMenus.
  	MenuIcons initializeTranslations.
  	#(PartsBin ParagraphEditor BitEditor FormEditor StandardSystemController) 
  		do: [ :key | Smalltalk at: key ifPresent: [ :class | class initialize ]].
  	ActiveWorld reformulateUpdatingMenus.
  	"self setFlaps.
  	self setPaletteFor: aLanguageSymbol."

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