[etoys-dev] Etoys: Sugar-bf.13.mcz

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Mon Jun 4 10:42:54 EDT 2012

Bert Freudenberg uploaded a new version of Sugar to project Etoys:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Sugar-bf.13
Author: bf
Time: 4 June 2012, 2:51:32 pm
UUID: 35e1b47f-1154-4c58-ae86-4b91f94a8a47
Ancestors: Sugar-kfr.12

Handle object chooser response from external media instead of Journal (absolute file path instead of object id)

=============== Diff against Sugar-kfr.12 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SugarLauncher>>chooser:response: (in category 'chooser') -----
+ chooser: chooserId response: objectIdOrPath
- chooser: chooserId response: objectId
  	self chooserDone: chooserId.
  	WorldState addDeferredUIMessage: [
+ 		(objectIdOrPath beginsWith: '/')
+ 			ifTrue: [
+ 				| file title |
+ 				file := FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: objectIdOrPath.
+ 				title := FileDirectory localNameFor: objectIdOrPath.
+ 				self handleStream: file mimetype: nil titled: title]
+ 			ifFalse: [
+ 				| props title mimetype |
+ 				props := self getProperties: objectIdOrPath.
+ 				title := props at: 'title' ifAbsent: ['untitled' translated].
+ 				mimetype := props at: 'mime_type' ifAbsent: [''].
+ 				[self open: objectIdOrPath title: title mimetype: mimetype]
+ 					on: SugarPropertiesNotification do: [:ex | ex resume: props]]].!
- 		| props title mimetype |
- 		props := self getProperties: objectId.
- 		title := props at: 'title' ifAbsent: ['untitled' translated].
- 		mimetype := props at: 'mime_type' ifAbsent: [''].
- 		[self open: objectId title: title mimetype: mimetype]
- 			on: SugarPropertiesNotification do: [:ex | ex resume: props]].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SugarLauncher>>handleStream:mimetype:titled: (in category 'datastore') -----
+ handleStream: tmpStream mimetype: mimetypeOrNil titled: title
- handleStream: tmpStream mimetype: mimetype titled: title
  	"tmpStream was loaded from journal, is not a project, do something sensible"
  	"this ignores the mimetype, we really should do better ..."
  		[(ExternalDropHandler lookupExternalDropHandler: tmpStream)
  			handle: tmpStream in: World dropEvent: ActiveHand lastEvent]
  		ifError: [self inform: ('Cannot open {1}' translated withCRs format: {title})]
  	] ensure: [tmpStream ifNotNil: [tmpStream close]].!

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