[etoys-dev] Etoys: MorphicExtras-kfr.60.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Sat Mar 3 10:52:52 EST 2012

Karl Ramberg uploaded a new version of MorphicExtras to project Etoys:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: MorphicExtras-kfr.60
Author: kfr
Time: 3 March 2012, 4:53:19 pm
UUID: 14e74f78-4bf1-a64a-a745-f0c5dae69e27
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-kfr.59

More numbered lines

=============== Diff against MorphicExtras-kfr.59 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: EToyVocabulary>>masterOrderingOfPhraseSymbols (in category '*morphicExtras-Charts') -----
+ masterOrderingOfPhraseSymbols
+ 	"Answer a dictatorially-imposed presentation list of phrase-symbols.  This governs the order in which suitable phrases are presented in etoy viewers using the etoy vocabulary.  For any given category, the default implementation is that any items that are in this list will occur first, in the order specified here; after that, all other items will come, in alphabetic order by formal selector."
+ 	^ #(beep: forward: turn: getX getY getLocationRounded getHeading getScaleFactor
+ 		getLeft getRight getTop getBottom  
+ 		getLength getWidth 
+ 		getTheta getDistance getHeadingTheta getUnitVector
+ 		startScript: pauseScript: stopScript: startAll: pauseAll: stopAll: tellAllSiblings: doScript:
+ 		getColor getUseGradientFill getSecondColor  getRadialGradientFill  getBorderWidth getBorderColor getBorderStyle getRoundedCorners getDropShadow getShadowColor 
+ 		getVolume play playUntilPosition: stop rewind getIsRunning getRepeat getPosition getTotalFrames getTotalSeconds getFrameGraphic getVideoFileName getSubtitlesFileName
+ 		getGraphic getBaseGraphic
+ 		getAllowEtoyUserCustomEvents 
+ 		#getAutoExpansion #getAutoLineLayout #getBatchPenTrails getDropProducesWatcher #getFenceEnabled #getIndicateCursor #getIsOpenForDragNDrop #getIsPartsBin #getMouseOverHalos #getOriginAtCenter #getShowThumbnail
+ 	 getFenceEnabled getKeepTickingWhilePainting getOliveHandleForScriptedObjects  getUseVectorVocabulary
+ 		#getRed #getGreen #getBlue #getAlpha #getHue #getBrightness #getSaturation
+ 		getLeftEdgeMode getRightEdgeMode getTopEdgeMode getBottomEdgeMode getPixelsPerPatch addToPatchDisplayList: addToTurtleDisplayList: removeAllFromPatchDisplayList removeAllFromTurtleDisplayList
+ 		clear diffusePatchVariable decayPatchVariable getDiffusionRate getEvaporationRate getSniffRange getDisplayType getDisplayScaleMax getDisplayShiftAmount
+ 		getPatchValueIn: die getUphillIn: getTurtleVisible getReplicated getTurtleOf: getAngleTo: getDistanceTo: bounceOn: bounceOnColor:
+ 		getVertexCursor getVerticesCount getXAtCursor getYAtCursor prependVertex insertVertexAtCursor appendVertex removeAllButCursor removeVertexAtCursor shuffleVertices getLineCurved getLineOpened getShowingHandles
+ 		getDate getDay getMonth getYear getDayName getMonthName getDateFormat goToToday getJulianDay
+ 	getMinVal getMaxVal getPixelsPerUnit getUnitsPerMark getMarksPerLegend getShowNegativeArrowHead getShowZero)!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph class>>additionsToViewerCategoryGraphing (in category '*morphicExtras-Charts') -----
+ additionsToViewerCategoryGraphing
+ 	"answer additions to the graphing viewer category"
+ 	^ #(graphing 
+ 		(
+ 			(slot xOnGraph   'If there is a horizontal axis present, gives the horizontal coordinate of the center of this object with respect to that axis ' Number readWrite Player  getXOnGraph   Player setXOnGraph:)
+ 			(slot yOnGraph   'If there is a vertical axis present, gives the vertical coordinate of the center of this object with respect to that axis ' Number readWrite Player  getYOnGraph   Player setYOnGraph:)
+ 			(slot locationOnGraph   'If there is are axes present, gives the coordinate of the center of this object with respect to those axes ' Point readWrite Player  getLocationOnGraph   Player setLocationOnGraph:)))!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Player>>fitPlayfield (in category '*morphicExtras-Charts') -----
+ fitPlayfield
+ 	"For number-lines:  command to extend/contract the line so that it fits entirely within the containing playfield to which it pertains."
+ 	costume fitPlayfield!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Player>>getIncrement (in category '*morphicExtras-Charts') -----
+ getIncrement
+ 	^ self getValueFromCostume: #increment!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Player>>getLocationOnGraph (in category '*morphicExtras-Charts') -----
+ getLocationOnGraph
+ 		"Answer the x-y with respect to a corresponding  axis, if any; if none, for a dimension, use the simple x or y coordinate for it."
+ 	^ (self getXOnGraph @ self getYOnGraph) asFloatPoint!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Player>>getMarksPerLegend (in category '*morphicExtras-Charts') -----
+ getMarksPerLegend
+ 	^ 	self getValueFromCostume: #marksPerLegend!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Player>>getPixelsPerUnit (in category '*morphicExtras-Charts') -----
+ getPixelsPerUnit
+ 		"Answer the number of pixels per unit on a number line"
+ 	^ costume renderedMorph pixelsPerUnit!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Player>>getShowNegativeArrowHead (in category '*morphicExtras-Charts') -----
+ getShowNegativeArrowHead
+ 	^ self getValueFromCostume: #showNegativeArrowHead!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Player>>getShowZero (in category '*morphicExtras-Charts') -----
+ getShowZero
+ 	^ self getValueFromCostume: #showZero!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Player>>getTicksPerLegend (in category '*morphicExtras-Charts') -----
+ getTicksPerLegend
+ 	^ 	self getValueFromCostume: #ticksPerLegend!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Player>>getUnitsPerMark (in category '*morphicExtras-Charts') -----
+ getUnitsPerMark
+ 	^ 	self getValueFromCostume: #unitsPerMark!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Player>>getXOnGraph (in category '*morphicExtras-Charts') -----
+ getXOnGraph
+ 	"Answer the x-coordinate with respect to a corresponding horizontal axis, if any; if none, answer the cartesian x"
+ 	| aCostume |
+ 	(aCostume _ self costume) isInWorld ifFalse: [^ self getX].
+ 	(aCostume referencePlayfield findA: HorizontalNumberLineMorph) ifNotNilDo:
+ 		[:aNumberLine |
+ 			^ aNumberLine horizontalCoordinateOf: aCostume].
+ 	^ self getX!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Player>>getYOnGraph (in category '*morphicExtras-Charts') -----
+ getYOnGraph
+ 	"Answer the y-coordinate with respect to a corresponding horizontal axis, if any; if none, answer the cartesian x"
+ 	| aCostume |
+ 	(aCostume := self costume) isInWorld ifFalse: [^ self getY].
+ 	(aCostume referencePlayfield findA: VerticalNumberLineMorph) ifNotNilDo:
+ 		[:aNumberLine |
+ 			^ aNumberLine verticalCoordinateOf: aCostume].
+ 	^ self getY!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Player>>setLocationOnGraph: (in category '*morphicExtras-Charts') -----
+ setLocationOnGraph: aPoint
+ 	"Set the location of the object to a given value, with respect to the axes found in the host playfield."
+ 	self setXOnGraph: aPoint x asFloat.
+ 	self setYOnGraph: aPoint y asFloat!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Player>>setMarksPerLegend: (in category '*morphicExtras-Charts') -----
+ setMarksPerLegend: aValue
+ 	self setCostumeSlot: #marksPerLegend: toValue: aValue!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Player>>setPixelsPerUnit: (in category '*morphicExtras-Charts') -----
+ setPixelsPerUnit: aNumber 
+ 	self setCostumeSlot: #pixelsPerUnit: toValue: aNumber!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Player>>setShowNegativeArrowHead: (in category '*morphicExtras-Charts') -----
+ setShowNegativeArrowHead: aBoolean 
+ 	self setCostumeSlot: #showNegativeArrowHead: toValue: aBoolean!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Player>>setShowZero: (in category '*morphicExtras-Charts') -----
+ setShowZero: aBoolean 
+ 	self setCostumeSlot: #showZero: toValue: aBoolean!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Player>>setTicksPerLegend: (in category '*morphicExtras-Charts') -----
+ setTicksPerLegend: aNumber 
+ 	self setCostumeSlot: #ticksPerLegend toValue: aNumber!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Player>>setUnitsPerMark: (in category '*morphicExtras-Charts') -----
+ setUnitsPerMark: aValue
+ 	self setCostumeSlot: #unitsPerMark: toValue: aValue!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Player>>setUnitsPerTick: (in category '*morphicExtras-Charts') -----
+ setUnitsPerTick: aNumber 
+ 	self setCostumeSlot: #unitsPerTick: toValue: aNumber!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Player>>setXOnGraph: (in category '*morphicExtras-Charts') -----
+ setXOnGraph: aNumber
+ 	"Set the x-on-graph coordinate as indicated.  If there is Horizontal Number Line in the same playfield, this is interpreted with reference to the position and scale of that number line; if not, this is no different from setX:"
+ 	| aCostume |
+ 	(aCostume _ self costume) isInWorld ifFalse: [^ self setX: aNumber].
+ 	(aCostume referencePlayfield findA: HorizontalNumberLineMorph) ifNotNilDo:
+ 		[:aNumberLine |
+ 			^ aNumberLine setXOnGraphFor: aCostume to: aNumber].
+ 	^ self getX!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Player>>setYOnGraph: (in category '*morphicExtras-Charts') -----
+ setYOnGraph: aNumber
+ 	"Set the y-on-graph coordinate as indicated.  If there is Vertical Number Line in the same playfield, this is interpreted with reference to the position and scale of that number line; if not, this is no different from setY:"
+ 	| aCostume |
+ 	(aCostume := self costume) isInWorld ifFalse: [^ self setY: aNumber].
+ 	(aCostume referencePlayfield findA: VerticalNumberLineMorph) ifNotNilDo:
+ 		[:aNumberLine |
+ 			^ aNumberLine setYOnGraphFor: aCostume to: aNumber].
+ 	^ self setY: aNumber!

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