[etoys-dev] Etoys: Morphic-kfr.82.mcz

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Mon Mar 5 15:04:26 EST 2012

Karl Ramberg uploaded a new version of Morphic to project Etoys:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-kfr.82
Author: kfr
Time: 5 March 2012, 9:03:03 pm
UUID: f9891cac-5355-ee47-86fb-f69e5deeba55
Ancestors: Morphic-kfr.81

Change Set:             graphingFixes-sw
Date:                   4 March 2012
Author:                 Scott Wallace

Addresses various bug-reports and recommendations relating to recent number-line and graph-paper updates:
- Enforce reasonable ranges for the sliders governing the grid parameters, taking the grid-size, coarse-grid-size , and playfield dimensions into account.
- Provide a button to request 'graph paper' from the 'generic property sheet' when appropriate.
- Retain position of number line when its pixelsPerUnit changes.
- Disable the 'offset' when coarse-grid in effect.
- Protect sliders against zero-divide that can happen if minVal = maxVal.
- Protect InfiniteForms against incidental calls to #darker and #twiceDarker that can be sent to any object's fillStyle by some of the custom border code.
- Removes about a dozen superfluous methods that had mistakenly lingered in the earlier updates, and removes three inst vars of NumberLineMorph that were remnants from earlier code

=============== Diff against Morphic-kfr.81 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GraphPaperPanel>>adjustOffset: (in category 'adjusting parameters') -----
  adjustOffset: aFractionalPoint
  	"Adjust the offset to reflect the value embodied in the argument supplied."
+ 	| constrained |
+ 	constrained := aFractionalPoint min: (1 @ 1) max: (-1 @ -1).
+ 	offset := (constrained * self gridEvery asPoint) rounded.
- 	offset := (aFractionalPoint * self extent) rounded.
  	self showSliderFeedback: offset.
  	self makeToolReflectCurrentSettings!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GraphPaperPanel>>darkerGridEvery: (in category 'accessing') -----
  darkerGridEvery: aNumber
  	"Set the value of darkerGridEvery."
  	darkerGridEvery := aNumber rounded.
+ 	self harmonizeGridEvery.
  	self makeToolReflectCurrentSettings!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GraphPaperPanel>>doEnables (in category 'private') -----
  	"Carry out appropriate enablings within the receiver's interior."
+ 	| itsName existing |
+ 	existing := darkerGridEvery.
+ 	self harmonizeCoarseGrid.
+ 	existing = darkerGridEvery ifFalse:
+ 		[self makeToolReflectCurrentSettings].
- 	| itsName |
  	self allMorphsDo: [ :each |
  		itsName := each knownName.
  		(#(pickerForDarkerGrid darkerGridEvery) includes: itsName) ifTrue:
+ 			[self enable: each when: self showDarkerGridAlso].
+ 		(#(offset) includes: itsName) ifTrue:
+ 			[self enable: each when: true]]!
- 			[self enable: each when: self showDarkerGridAlso]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GraphPaperPanel>>gridEvery: (in category 'accessing') -----
  gridEvery: aNumber
  	"Set the value of gridEvery"
  	gridEvery := aNumber rounded.
+ 	self harmonizeCoarseGrid.
  	self makeToolReflectCurrentSettings!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GraphPaperPanel>>harmonizeCoarseGrid (in category 'adjusting parameters') -----
+ harmonizeCoarseGrid
+ 	"The pixelsPerUnit having changed, reconsider  'darkerGridEvery'  and the slider that governs it."
+ 	| aSlider maxGridEvery |
+ 	maxGridEvery := self maxValueForCoarseGrid.
+ 	darkerGridEvery := darkerGridEvery min:  maxGridEvery max: 2.
+ 	aSlider := self deepSubpartNamed: #darkerGridEverySlider.
+ 	aSlider ifNotNil:
+ 		[aSlider setMaxVal: maxGridEvery.
+ 		aSlider adjustToValue: darkerGridEvery]
+ 	!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GraphPaperPanel>>harmonizeGridEvery (in category 'adjusting parameters') -----
+ harmonizeGridEvery
+ 	"Other metrics having possibly changed, make sure the gridEvery variable is within range and that its slider offers a reasonable range of values."
+ 	| aSlider maxGridEvery |
+ 	maxGridEvery := self maxValueForGridEvery.
+ 	gridEvery := gridEvery min:  maxGridEvery max: 10.
+ 	aSlider := self deepSubpartNamed: #gridEverySlider.
+ 	aSlider ifNotNil:
+ 		[aSlider setMaxVal: maxGridEvery.
+ 		aSlider adjustToValue: gridEvery]
+ 	!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GraphPaperPanel>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
  	"Initialize the receiver.  Notice that, because of GenericPropertiesMorph's custom, 'myTarget' is already set before this is called."
  	| existing toUse |
  	super initialize.
  	existing := myTarget renderedMorph valueOfProperty: #graphPaperParameters.
  	toUse := existing
  			[existing deepCopy]
  			[GraphPaperParameters new].
  	backgroundColor := existing
  			[toUse backgroundColor]
  			[myTarget color asColor].
  	gridColor := toUse gridColor.
  	gridEvery := toUse gridEvery.
  	showDarkerGridAlso := toUse showDarkerGridAlso.
  	darkerGridColor := toUse darkerGridColor.
  	darkerGridEvery := toUse darkerGridEvery.
+ 	offset := toUse showDarkerGridAlso ifTrue: [toUse offset] ifFalse: [0 @ 0].
- 	offset := toUse offset.
  	thingsToRevert at: #fillStyle: put: myTarget fillStyle.
  	self rebuild.
  	self makeToolReflectCurrentSettings

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GraphPaperPanel>>maxValueForCoarseGrid (in category 'adjusting parameters') -----
+ maxValueForCoarseGrid
+ 	"Given the pixelsPerUnit and the dimensions of my target, determine and answer a plausible maximum value for the coarse-grid multiplier."
+ 	| maxDimension |
+ 	maxDimension := myTarget width max: myTarget height.
+ 	^ ((maxDimension // gridEvery) - 1) max: 2!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: GraphPaperPanel>>maxValueForGridEvery (in category 'adjusting parameters') -----
+ maxValueForGridEvery
+ 	"Answer the largest plausible value for gridEvery"
+ 	| maxDimension |
+ 	maxDimension := myTarget width max: myTarget height.
+ 	^ self showDarkerGridAlso
+ 		ifTrue:
+ 			[maxDimension // darkerGridEvery]
+ 		ifFalse:
+ 			[(maxDimension - 1) max: 10]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GraphPaperPanel>>paneForDarkerGridEvery (in category 'panes') -----
  	"Answer a pane for the darkerGridEvery datum."
  	| aSlider |
  	aSlider :=  SimpleSliderMorph new
  		color: color darker;
  		extent: 100 at 28;
  		target: self;
  		minVal: 2;
  		maxVal: 40;
  		actionSelector: #darkerGridEvery:;
+ 		setNameTo: #darkerGridEverySlider;
  		adjustToValue: self darkerGridEvery.
  	^ (self inARow: {
  			(UpdatingStringMorph new)
  				getSelector: #darkerGridEvery;
  				putSelector: #darkerGridEvery:;
  				target: self;
  				growable: false;
  				decimalPlaces: 0;
  				minimumWidth: 40;
  				maximumWidth: 40;
  			aSlider}) setNameTo: #darkerGridEvery; yourself!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GraphPaperPanel>>paneForGridEvery (in category 'panes') -----
  	"Answer a pane to govern the gridEvery datum."
  	| aSlider |
  	aSlider :=  SimpleSliderMorph new
  		color: color darker;
  		extent: 100 at 28;
  		target: self;
  		minVal: 4;
  		maxVal: 360;
  		actionSelector: #gridEvery:;
+ 		setNameTo: #gridEverySlider;
  		adjustToValue: self gridEvery.
  	^ self inARow: {
  		self lockedString: ('grid size' translated, '  ').
  		(UpdatingStringMorph new)
  				getSelector: #gridEvery;
  				putSelector: #gridEvery:;
  				target: self;
  				growable: false;
  				decimalPlaces: 0;
  				minimumWidth: 40;
  				maximumWidth: 40;

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GraphPaperPanel>>paneForOffset (in category 'panes') -----
  	"Answer a pane for the Offset button."
+ 	| aPane |
+ 	aPane := (self inARow: {
- 	^ (self inARow: {
  			buildFakeSlider: 'Offset' translated
  			selector: #adjustOffset:
  			help: 'Drag in here to change the offset' translated
+ 				}) hResizing: #shrinkWrap.
+ 	aPane setNameTo: #offset.
+ 	^ aPane
- 	}) hResizing: #shrinkWrap

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GraphPaperPanel>>toggleShowDarkerGridAlso (in category 'adjusting parameters') -----
  	"Toggle whether a secondary grid should be shown."
  	showDarkerGridAlso := self showDarkerGridAlso not.
+ 	showDarkerGridAlso ifTrue: [offset := 0].
  	self rebuild.
  	self doEnables.
  	self makeToolReflectCurrentSettings!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>deepSubpartNamed: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ deepSubpartNamed: aName
+ 	"Answer, from anywhere in the morph tree beneath the receiver, a subpart of the given name -- nil if none."
+ 	^ self allMorphs detect: [:m | m externalName = aName] ifNone: [nil]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Morph>>wantsGraphPaperAlternative (in category 'testing') -----
+ wantsGraphPaperAlternative
+ 	"Answer whether the receiver woud be willing to adopt graph paper as a fill style."
+ 	^ false!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: PasteUpMorph>>wantsGraphPaperAlternative (in category 'testing') -----
+ wantsGraphPaperAlternative
+ 	"Answer whether the receiver woud be willing to adopt graph paper as a fill style."
+ 	^ true!

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