[etoys-dev] Etoys: Etoys-kfr.118.mcz

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Thu Mar 8 06:38:37 EST 2012

Karl Ramberg uploaded a new version of Etoys to project Etoys:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Etoys-kfr.118
Author: kfr
Time: 8 March 2012, 12:37:35 pm
UUID: ee4f63db-b49b-d54b-887e-fdd96867d9b2
Ancestors: Etoys-bf.117

Just 'grey out' decimal places in the variable panel, don't remove it. Swap places of remove variable and modify variable in menu

=============== Diff against Etoys-bf.117 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: NewVariableDialogMorph>>addDecimalPlaces (in category 'build') -----
  	self addARow: {
  		self inAColumn: {
  			(self addARow: {
  				self lockedString: 'Decimal places:' translated.
  				self spacer.
  				decimalPlacesButton := self buildDecimalPlacesButton
+ 			} ) cellPositioning: #center.
+ 		} named: #decimalPlaces.
- 			}) cellPositioning: #center.
- 		}
  	self addSeparator!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: NewVariableDialogMorph>>rebuild (in category 'build') -----
+ 	| buttonColor itsName aBoolean |
- 	| buttonColor |
  	self removeAllMorphs.
  	self addAColumn: {
  		self lockedString: self title.
  	self addSeparator.
  	self addARow: {
  		self inAColumn: {
  			(self addARow: {
  				self lockedString: 'Name:' translated.
  				self spacer.
  				varNameText := self newTextMorph 
  										contentsWrapped: self varName;
  										crAction: (MessageSend
  											receiver: self
  											selector: #doAccept);
  			}) cellPositioning: #center.
  			(self addARow: {
  				self lockedString: 'Type:' translated.
  				self spacer.
  				varTypeButton := self buildVarTypeButton
  			}) cellPositioning: #center.
  	ActiveWorld activeHand newKeyboardFocus: varNameText.
  	self addSeparator.
+ 	self addDecimalPlaces.
+ 	aBoolean := false.
  	(#(#Number #Point) includes: self varType)
+ 		ifTrue: [ aBoolean := true].
+ 	self allMorphsDo: [ :each |
+ 				itsName := each knownName. 
+ 				(#(decimalPlaces) includes: itsName) ifTrue:
+ 							[self enable: each when: aBoolean]].
- 		ifTrue: [self addDecimalPlaces].
  	buttonColor := self color lighter.
  	self addARow: {
  		self inAColumn: {
  			(self addARow: {
  					buttonNamed: 'Accept' translated action: #doAccept color: buttonColor
  					help: 'keep changes made and close panel' translated.
  					buttonNamed: 'Cancel' translated action: #doCancel color: buttonColor
  					help: 'cancel changes made and close panel' translated.
  			}) listCentering: #center

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Player>>slotInfoButtonHitFor:inViewer: (in category 'scripts-kernel') -----
  slotInfoButtonHitFor: aGetterSymbol inViewer: aViewer
  	"The user made a gesture asking for slot menu for the given getter symbol in a viewer; put up the menu."
+ 	| aMenu slotSym aType typeVocab |
- 	| aMenu slotSym aType typeVocab interface selector |
  	 (#(+ - * /) includes: aGetterSymbol)
  			 [^ self inform: ('{1} is used for vector operations' translated format: {aGetterSymbol})].
  	slotSym _ Utilities inherentSelectorForGetter: aGetterSymbol.
  	aType _ self typeForSlotWithGetter: aGetterSymbol asSymbol.
  	aMenu _ MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self.
+ 	"interface := aViewer currentVocabulary methodInterfaceAt: aGetterSymbol ifAbsent: [nil].
- 	interface := aViewer currentVocabulary methodInterfaceAt: aGetterSymbol ifAbsent: [nil].
  	selector := interface isNil
  		ifTrue: [slotSym asString]
+ 		ifFalse: [interface selector]."
- 		ifFalse: [interface selector].
  	aType = #Patch ifTrue: [
  		aMenu add: 'grab morph' translated
  			target: (self perform: aGetterSymbol)
  			selector: #grabPatchMorph
  			argument: #().
  			aMenu addLine.
  	(typeVocab _ Vocabulary vocabularyForType: aType) addWatcherItemsToMenu: aMenu forGetter: aGetterSymbol.
  	(self slotInfo includesKey: slotSym)
  			[typeVocab addUserSlotItemsTo: aMenu slotSymbol: slotSym.
+ 			aMenu add: ('modify "{1}"' translated format: {slotSym}) selector: #changeSlotInfo: argument: slotSym.
  			aMenu add: ('remove "{1}"' translated format: {slotSym}) selector: #removeSlotNamed: argument: slotSym.
- 			aMenu add: ('modify "{1}"' translated format: {slotSym}) selector: #changeSlotInfo: argument: slotSym
  		ifFalse: [
  			aMenu addLine.
  			typeVocab addExtraItemsToMenu: aMenu forSlotSymbol: slotSym.  "e.g. Player type adds hand-me-tiles"].
  	self addIdiosyncraticMenuItemsTo: aMenu forSlotSymol: slotSym.
  	aMenu items isEmpty ifTrue:
  		[aMenu add: 'ok' translated action: #yourself].
  	aMenu popUpForHand: aViewer primaryHand in: aViewer world!

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