[etoys-dev] Color Picker Changes in 5.0

Scott Wallace scott.wallace at squeakland.org
Mon Mar 19 01:45:11 EDT 2012

On Mar 18, 2012, at 9:56 PM, Steve Thomas wrote:

> The previous color picker when you click on it changed the cursor fo an eye dropper icon and allowed you to pick colors from other objects.  The new one does not.  I tend to use this a lot to set colors and try different color schemes.
> Perhaps we should go back to the original for non-playfields.

Actually, you *can* pick any color you see.  You have to mouse-down in the picker first, then you move the cursor, mouse still down, anywhere you care, to "pick up" any desired color anywhere.

Which is not to say that I don't marginally prefer the original tiny modal picker as the default, just because there are so few steps and so little clutter -- and because all our property-sheets are so clunky-looking.

Hoping we can hear some more voices on this subject…

  -- Scott

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