[etoys-dev] How can I access the individual pixels in an image

Rita Freudenberg rita at isg.cs.uni-magdeburg.de
Fri May 25 08:10:38 EDT 2012

Hi Steve,

I remember Kedama-projects from Yoshiki, where he modified individual pixels in an image. While I was looking for these projects, I found a very project from Mr. Dreyfus in our showcase, in which a sketch can be dropped onto Kedama and is converted into Pixels, which are then moved. You can find it here:



On May 25, 2012, at 12:35 PM, Steve Thomas wrote:

> How can I loop through each pixel in an image and get their red,green,blue values?
> I also would like to be able to create a new image using those values (modified, for example set red=red*0.5)
> I know Karl did a great project Color Reading And Writing which I could use, but would like to introduce some of the kids to squeak.
> Thanks,
> Stephen
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Rita Freudenberg
rita.freudenberg at ovgu.de

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