[etoys-dev] Etoys Inbox: EnvelopeEditorRevival-kfr.1.mcz

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Tue Oct 23 07:30:52 EDT 2012

A new version of EnvelopeEditorRevival was added to project Etoys Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: EnvelopeEditorRevival-kfr.1
Author: kfr
Time: 23 October 2012, 1:29:38 pm
UUID: 1cd87ee6-8007-0140-abff-0680e1816067

EnvelopeEditor was removed from image due to copyright issues. Here it is revived with a new ScaleMorph. ScaleMorph is reimplemented from Russell Swan's version.

==================== Snapshot ====================

SystemOrganization addCategory: #EnvelopeEditorRevival!

RectangleMorph subclass: #EnvelopeEditorMorph
	instanceVariableNames: 'sound soundName envelope hScale vScale graphArea pixPerTick limits limitXs limitHandles line prevMouseDown sampleDuration showAllEnvelopes denominator keyboard'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'EnvelopeEditorRevival'!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph class>>openOn:title: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
openOn: aSound title: aString
	"EnvelopeEditorMorph openOn: (AbstractSound soundNamed: 'brass1') copy title: 'brass1'"
	(self basicNew initOnSound: aSound title: aString) openInWorld!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>acceptGraphPoint:at: (in category 'editing') -----
acceptGraphPoint: p at: index 
	| ms val points whichLim linePoint other boundedP |
	boundedP := p adhereTo: graphArea bounds.
	ms := self msFromX: boundedP x.
	points := envelope points.
	ms := self
				constrain: ms
				adjacentTo: index
				in: points.
	(index = 1
			or: [(whichLim := limits indexOf: index) > 0])
		ifTrue: ["Limit points must not move laterally"
			ms := (points at: index) x].
	val := self valueFromY: boundedP y.
	points at: index put: ms @ val.
	linePoint := (self xFromMs: ms)
				@ (self yFromValue: val).
	(whichLim notNil
			and: [whichLim between: 1 and: 2])
		ifTrue: ["Loop start and loop end must be tied
			together "
			other := limits at: 3 - whichLim.
			"1 <--> 2"
			points at: other put: (points at: other) x @ val.
			line vertices at: other put: (line vertices at: other) x @ linePoint y.
			line computeBounds].
	"Make sure envelope feels the change in points array... "
		setPoints: points
		loopStart: (limits at: 1)
		loopEnd: (limits at: 2).
	^ linePoint!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>addControls (in category 'construction') -----
	| chooser |
	chooser _ PopUpChoiceMorph new extent: 180 at 40;
		contentsClipped: 'editing ' , envelope name;
		target: self;
		actionSelector: #chooseFrom:envelopeItem:;
		getItemsSelector: #curveChoices.
	chooser arguments: (Array with: chooser).
	self addMorph: chooser.
	chooser align: chooser bounds topLeft with: graphArea bounds bottomLeft + (0 at 5).

	chooser _ PopUpChoiceMorph new extent: 180 at 40;
		contentsClipped: 'duration: ' , self durationName;
		target: self;
		actionSelector: #chooseFrom:durationItem:;
		getItemsSelector: #durationChoices.
	chooser arguments: (Array with: chooser).
	self addMorph: chooser.
	chooser align: chooser bounds topRight with: graphArea bounds bottomRight + (-50 at 5).

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>addCurves (in category 'construction') -----
	"Add the polyLine corresponding to the currently selected envelope,
	and possibly all the others, too."
	| verts aLine |
	sound envelopes do:
		[:env | 
		(showAllEnvelopes or: [env == envelope]) ifTrue:
			[verts _ env points collect:
				[:p | (self xFromMs: p x) @ (self yFromValue: p y)].
			aLine _ EnvelopeLineMorph basicNew
						vertices: verts borderWidth: 1
						borderColor: (self colorForEnvelope: env).
			env == envelope
				ifTrue: [aLine borderWidth: 2.  line _ aLine]
				ifFalse: [aLine on: #mouseUp send: #clickOnLine:evt:envelope:
							to: self withValue: env.
						self addMorph: aLine]]].
	self addMorph: line  "add the active one last (in front)"!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>addCustomMenuItems:hand: (in category 'menu') -----
addCustomMenuItems: menu hand: aHandMorph
	super addCustomMenuItems: menu hand: aHandMorph.
	menu addLine.
	envelope updateSelector = #ratio: ifTrue:
		[menu add: 'choose denominator...' action: #chooseDenominator:].
	menu add: 'adjust scale...' action: #adjustScale:.
	SoundPlayer isReverbOn
		ifTrue: [menu add: 'turn reverb off' target: SoundPlayer selector: #stopReverb]
		ifFalse: [menu add: 'turn reverb on' target: SoundPlayer selector: #startReverb].
	menu addLine.
	menu add: 'get sound from lib' action: #chooseSound:.
	menu add: 'put sound in lib' action: #saveSound:.
	menu add: 'read sound from disk...' action: #readFromDisk:.
	menu add: 'save sound on disk...' action: #saveToDisk:.
	menu add: 'save library on disk...' action: #saveLibToDisk:.

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>addEnvelopeNamed: (in category 'menu') -----
addEnvelopeNamed: envName
	| points env |
	points := OrderedCollection new.
	points add: 0 at 0.0;
		add: (envelope points at: envelope loopStartIndex) x at 1.0;
		add: (envelope points at: envelope loopEndIndex) x at 1.0;
		add: (envelope points last) x at 0.0.
	envName = 'volume' ifTrue:
		[env := VolumeEnvelope points: points loopStart: 2 loopEnd: 3.
		env target: sound; scale: 0.7].
	envName = 'modulation' ifTrue:
		[env := Envelope points: (points collect: [:p | p x @ 0.5])
						loopStart: 2 loopEnd: 3.
		env target: sound; updateSelector: #modulation:;
			scale: sound modulation*2.0].
	envName = 'pitch' ifTrue:
		[env := PitchEnvelope points: (points collect: [:p | p x @ 0.5])
						loopStart: 2 loopEnd: 3.
		env target: sound; updateSelector: #pitch:; scale: 0.5].
	envName = 'ratio' ifTrue:
		[denominator := 9999.  "No gridding"
		env := Envelope points: (points collect: [:p | p x @ 0.5])
						loopStart: 2 loopEnd: 3.
		env target: sound; updateSelector: #ratio:;
			scale: sound ratio*2.0].
	env ifNotNil:
		[sound addEnvelope: env.
		self editEnvelope: env]!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>addHandlesIn: (in category 'construction') -----
addHandlesIn: frame
	| handle |
	handle := PolygonMorph
		vertices: (Array with: 0 at 0 with: 12 at 0 with: 6 at 12)
		color: Color orange borderWidth: 1 borderColor: Color black.
	handle addMorph: ((RectangleMorph
			newBounds: ((self handleOffset: handle)-(2 at 0) extent: 1@(graphArea height-2))
			color: Color orange) borderWidth: 0).

	limitHandles := Array with: handle with: handle fullCopy with: handle fullCopy.
	1 to: limitHandles size do:
		[:i | handle := limitHandles at: i.
		handle on: #mouseStillDown
				send: #limitHandleMove:event:from:
				to: self withValue: i. 
		self addMorph: handle.
		handle position: ((self xFromMs: (envelope points at: (limits at: i)) x) @ (graphArea top)) - (self handleOffset: handle)]!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>addKeyboard (in category 'construction') -----
	keyboard := PianoKeyboardMorph new soundPrototype: sound.
	keyboard align: keyboard bounds bottomCenter with: bounds bottomCenter - (0 at 4).
	self addMorph: keyboard!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>adjustScale: (in category 'menu') -----
adjustScale: evt
	| scaleString oldScale baseValue |
	oldScale := envelope scale.
	scaleString := FillInTheBlank request: 'Enter the new full-scale value...'
						initialAnswer: oldScale printString.
	scaleString isEmpty ifTrue: [^ self].
	envelope scale: (Number readFrom: scaleString) asFloat.
	baseValue := envelope updateSelector = #pitch: ifTrue: [0.5] ifFalse: [0.0].
	envelope setPoints: (envelope points collect:
				[:p |
				p x @ (p y - baseValue * oldScale / envelope scale + baseValue
					min: 1.0 max: 0.0)])
			 loopStart: (limits at: 1) loopEnd: (limits at: 2).
	self buildView!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>buildGraphAreaIn: (in category 'construction') -----
buildGraphAreaIn: frame
	| r y |
	graphArea := RectangleMorph
		newBounds: ((frame left + 60) @ (frame top + 60)
		corner: (frame right+1) @ (frame bottom - 120))
		color: Color lightGreen lighter lighter.
	graphArea borderWidth: 1.
	self addMorph: graphArea.
	(envelope updateSelector = #pitch: and: [envelope scale <= 2.0]) ifTrue:
		["Show half-steps"
		r := graphArea innerBounds.
		0.0 to: 1.0 by: 1.0/12.0/envelope scale do:
			[:val |
			y := self yFromValue: val.
			graphArea addMorph: ((RectangleMorph
					newBounds: (r left at y extent: r width at 1)
					color: Color veryLightGray)
						borderWidth: 0)]].
	(envelope updateSelector = #ratio: and: [denominator ~= 9999]) ifTrue:
		["Show denominator gridding"
		r := graphArea innerBounds.
		(0.0 to: 1.0 by: 1.0/denominator/envelope scale) do:
			[:v |
			y := self yFromValue: v.
			graphArea addMorph: ((RectangleMorph
					newBounds: (r left at y extent: r width at 1)
					color: Color veryLightGray)
						borderWidth: 0)]].

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>buildScalesIn: (in category 'construction') -----
buildScalesIn: frame
	| env |
	env _ envelope.
	pixPerTick _ graphArea width // (self maxTime//10) max: 1.
	hScale _ (ScaleMorph newBounds: ((graphArea left)@(frame top) corner: (self xFromMs: self maxTime)@(graphArea top - 1)))
		start: 0 stop: self maxTime
		minorTick: 10 minorTickLength: 3
		majorTick: 100 majorTickLength: 10
		caption: 'milliseconds' tickPrintBlock: [:v | v printString].
	self addMorph: hScale.
	vScale _ ScaleMorph newBounds: (0 at 0 extent: (graphArea height)@(graphArea left - frame left)).
	env updateSelector = #pitch:
		[env scale >= 2.0
			[vScale start: 0 stop: env scale
				minorTick: env scale / 24 minorTickLength: 3
				majorTick: env scale / 2.0 majorTickLength: 10
				caption: 'pitch (octaves)'
				tickPrintBlock: [:v | (v-(env scale/2)) asInteger printString]]
			[vScale start: 0 stop: env scale
				minorTick: 1.0/48.0 minorTickLength: 3
				majorTick: 1.0/12.0 majorTickLength: 10
				caption: 'pitch (half-steps)'
				tickPrintBlock: [:v | (v-(env scale/2)*12) rounded printString]]]
		[vScale start: 0 stop: env scale
			minorTick: env scale / 50.0 minorTickLength: 3
			majorTick: env scale / 5.0 majorTickLength: 10
			caption: env name
			tickPrintBlock: [:v | v printString]].
	vScale _ TransformationMorph new asFlexOf: vScale.
	vScale angle: Float pi / 2.0.
	self addMorph: vScale.
	vScale position: (frame left)@(graphArea top-1).

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>buildView (in category 'construction') -----
	| frame |
	self color: Color lightGreen.
	self removeAllMorphs.
	frame := self innerBounds.
	self buildGraphAreaIn: frame.
	self buildScalesIn: frame.
	self addHandlesIn: frame.
	self addCurves.
	line addHandles.
	self addControls.
	self addKeyboard!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>chooseDenominator: (in category 'menu') -----
chooseDenominator: evt
	| menu |
	menu := MenuMorph new.
	(Integer primesUpTo: 30) do:
		[:i |
		menu add: i printString
			target: self selector: #setDenominator:
			argument: i].
	menu addLine.
	menu add: 'none' target: self selector: #setDenominator: argument: 9999.
	menu popUpAt: evt hand position event: evt.

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>chooseEnvelope: (in category 'menu') -----
chooseEnvelope: choice
	| name |
	(choice beginsWith: 'edit ') ifTrue:
		[name := choice copyFrom: 'edit ' size+1 to: choice size.
		^ self editEnvelope: (sound envelopes detect:
				[:env | env name = name])].
	(choice beginsWith: 'add ') ifTrue:
		[name := choice copyFrom: 'add ' size+1 to: choice size.
		^ self addEnvelopeNamed: name].
	(choice beginsWith: 'remove ') ifTrue:
		[^ self removeEnvelope  "the current one"].

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>chooseFrom:durationItem: (in category 'menu') -----
chooseFrom: chooserMorph durationItem: item
	| str |
	(item first isDigit and: [item asNumber ~= 0])
		ifTrue: [sampleDuration := item asNumber].
	item = 'other' ifTrue:
		[str := FillInTheBlank request: 'duration in milliseconds'
						initialAnswer: sampleDuration printString.
		sampleDuration := str asNumber].
	item = 'held' ifTrue: [sampleDuration := 9999].
	sound duration: sampleDuration / 1000.0.
	chooserMorph contentsClipped: 'duration: ' , self durationName!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>chooseFrom:envelopeItem: (in category 'menu') -----
chooseFrom: chooserMorph envelopeItem: item
	| name |
	(item beginsWith: 'edit ') ifTrue:
		[name := item copyFrom: 'edit ' size+1 to: item size.
		self editEnvelope: (sound envelopes detect:
				[:env | env name = name])].
	(item beginsWith: 'add ') ifTrue:
		[name := item copyFrom: 'add ' size+1 to: item size.
		self addEnvelopeNamed: name].
	(item beginsWith: 'remove ') ifTrue:
		[self removeEnvelope  "the current one"].
	chooserMorph contentsClipped: envelope name!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>chooseFrom:soundItem: (in category 'menu') -----
chooseFrom: chooserMorph soundItem: item
	self editSoundNamed: item.

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>chooseSound: (in category 'menu') -----
chooseSound: evt
	| menu |
	menu := MenuMorph new.
	menu add: 'new' target: self selector: #editNewSound.
	menu addLine.
	AbstractSound soundNames do:
		[:name |
		menu add: name
			target: self selector: #editSoundNamed:
			argument: name].
	menu popUpInWorld

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>clickOn:evt:from: (in category 'editing') -----
clickOn: env evt: anEvent from: aLine
	self editEnvelope: env!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>clickOnLine:evt:envelope: (in category 'editing') -----
clickOnLine: aLine evt: anEvent envelope: env
	self editEnvelope: env!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>colorForEnvelope: (in category 'construction') -----
colorForEnvelope: env
	| name index |
	name _ env name.
	index _ #('volume' 'modulation' 'pitch' 'ratio') indexOf: name
				ifAbsent: [5].
	^ Color perform: (#(red green blue magenta black) at: index)!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>constrain:adjacentTo:in: (in category 'editing') -----
constrain: xVal adjacentTo: ix in: points
	"Return xVal, restricted between points adjacent to vertX"
	| newVal |
	newVal := xVal.
	ix > 1 ifTrue: [newVal := newVal max: (points at: ix-1) x].
	ix < points size ifTrue: [newVal := newVal min: (points at: ix+1) x].
	^ newVal!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>curveChoices (in category 'construction') -----
	| extant others |
	extant _ sound envelopes collect: [:env | env name].
	others _ #('volume' 'modulation' 'pitch' 'ratio') reject: [:x | extant includes: x].
	^ (extant collect: [:name | 'edit ' , name])
	, (others collect: [:name | 'add ' , name])
	, (sound envelopes size > 1
		ifTrue: [Array with: 'remove ' , envelope name]
		ifFalse: [Array new])!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>deletePoint: (in category 'editing') -----
deletePoint: ix 
	"If the point is a limit point, return false,
	otherwise, delete the point at ix, and return
	true. "
	(limits includes: ix)
		ifTrue: [^ false].
		to: limits size
		do: [:i | "Decrease limit indices beyond the deletion"
			(limits at: i)
					> ix
				ifTrue: [limits at: i put: (limits at: i)
							- 1]].
		setPoints: (envelope points
				copyReplaceFrom: ix
				to: ix
				with: Array new)
		loopStart: (limits at: 1)
		loopEnd: (limits at: 2).
	^ true!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>durationChoices (in category 'construction') -----
	^ #(

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>durationName (in category 'construction') -----

	self durationChoices do: [:c |
		(c first isDigit and: [c asNumber = sampleDuration]) ifTrue: [^ c]].
	sampleDuration = 9999 ifTrue: [^ 'held'].
	^ sampleDuration printString

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>editEnvelope: (in category 'initialization') -----
editEnvelope: env 
	envelope := env.
	limits := Array
				with: envelope loopStartIndex
				with: envelope loopEndIndex
				with: envelope points size.
	limitXs := limits
				collect: [:i | (envelope points at: i) x].
	self buildView!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>editNewSound (in category 'menu') -----
	| known i |
	known := AbstractSound soundNames.
	i := 0.
	[soundName := 'unnamed' , i printString.
	known includes: soundName]
		whileTrue: [i := 1+1].
	soundName := soundName.
	self editSound: FMSound default copy!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>editSound: (in category 'initialization') -----
editSound: aSound

	| p |
	sound := aSound.
	sound envelopes isEmpty ifTrue: [
		"provide a default volume envelope"
		p := OrderedCollection new.
		p add: 0 at 0.0; add: 10 at 1.0; add: 100 at 1.0; add: 120 at 0.0.
		sound addEnvelope: (VolumeEnvelope points: p loopStart: 2 loopEnd: 3)].

	self editEnvelope: sound envelopes first.
	keyboard soundPrototype: sound.

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>editSoundNamed: (in category 'menu') -----
editSoundNamed: name
	soundName := name.
	self editSound: (AbstractSound soundNamed: soundName) copy!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>extent: (in category 'scaling') -----
extent: newExtent
	super extent: (newExtent max: (self maxTime//10*3+50 max: 500) @ 400).
	self buildView!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>handleOffset: (in category 'construction') -----
handleOffset: handle
	"This is the offset from position to the bottom vertex"
	^ (handle width//2+1) @ handle height

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>initOnSound:title: (in category 'initialization') -----
initOnSound: aSound title: title
	sound := aSound.
	soundName := title.
	self initialize.

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
	super initialize.
	prevMouseDown := false.
	showAllEnvelopes := true.
	self editSound: (sound ifNil: [FMSound brass1 copy]).
	soundName ifNil: [soundName := 'test'].
	sampleDuration _ 250.  sound duration: sampleDuration.
	sound duration: sampleDuration / 1000.0.
	denominator := 7.
	self extent: 10 at 10.  "ie the minimum"

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>insertPointAfter: (in category 'editing') -----
insertPointAfter: ix 
	"If there is not enough roon (in x) then return
	false. Otherwise insert a point between ix and
	ix+1 and return true."
	| points pt |
	points := envelope points.
	(points at: ix + 1) x - (points at: ix) x < 20
		ifTrue: [^ false].
	pt := (points at: ix + 1)
				+ (points at: ix) // 2.
		to: limits size
		do: [:i | "Increase limit indices beyond the insertion"
			(limits at: i)
					> ix
				ifTrue: [limits at: i put: (limits at: i)
							+ 1]].
		setPoints: (points
				copyReplaceFrom: ix + 1
				to: ix
				with: (Array with: pt))
		loopStart: (limits at: 1)
		loopEnd: (limits at: 2).
	^ true!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>limitHandleMove:event:from: (in category 'editing') -----
limitHandleMove: index event: evt from: handle 
	"index is the handle index = 1, 2 or 3"
	| ix p ms x points limIx |
	ix := limits at: index.
	"index of corresponding vertex"
	p := evt cursorPoint adhereTo: graphArea bounds.
	ms := self msFromX: p x + (self handleOffset: handle) x.
	"Constrain move to adjacent points on ALL envelopes "
	sound envelopes
		do: [:env | 
			limIx := env
						perform: (#(#loopStartIndex #loopEndIndex #decayEndIndex ) at: index).
			ms := self
						constrain: ms
						adjacentTo: limIx
						in: env points].
	"Update the handle, the vertex and the line being edited "
	x := self xFromMs: ms.
	handle position: x @ graphArea top
			- (self handleOffset: handle).
	line verticesAt: ix put: x @ (line vertices at: ix) y.
	sound envelopes
		do: [:env | 
			limIx := env
						perform: (#(#loopStartIndex #loopEndIndex #decayEndIndex ) at: index).
			points := env points.
			points at: limIx put: ms @ (points at: limIx) y.
				setPoints: points
				loopStart: env loopStartIndex
				loopEnd: env loopEndIndex]!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>limitHandleMoveEvent:from:index: (in category 'editing') -----
limitHandleMoveEvent: arg1 from: arg2 index: arg3
	"Reorder the arguments for existing event handlers"
	(arg3 isMorph and:[arg3 eventHandler notNil]) ifTrue:[arg3 eventHandler fixReversedValueMessages].
	^self limitHandleMove: arg1 event: arg2 from: arg3!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>maxTime (in category 'scaling') -----
	^ (envelope points at: limits last) x + 100!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>msFromX: (in category 'scaling') -----
msFromX: x
	^ (x - graphArea left)//pixPerTick*10!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>playChoices (in category 'construction') -----
	^ #(now afterEdits duringEdits)!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>playNothing (in category 'playing') -----

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>readFileNamed: (in category 'menu') -----
readFileNamed: fileName
	| snd |
	snd := Compiler evaluate:
		(FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: fileName) contentsOfEntireFile.
	soundName := fileName copyFrom: 1 to: fileName size-4. "---.fmp"
	self editSound: snd!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>readFromDisk: (in category 'menu') -----
readFromDisk: evt
	| menu |
	menu := MenuMorph new.
	(FileDirectory default fileNamesMatching: '*.fmp') do:
		[:fileName |
		menu add: fileName
			target: self selector: #readFileNamed:
			argument: fileName].
	menu popUpAt: evt hand position event: evt.

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>removeEnvelope (in category 'menu') -----
	(PopUpMenu confirm: 'Really remove ' , envelope name , '?')
		ifFalse: [^ self].
	sound removeEnvelope: envelope.
	self editEnvelope: sound envelopes first.!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>saveLibToDisk: (in category 'menu') -----
saveLibToDisk: evt
	| newName f snd |
	newName := FillInTheBlank request: 'Please confirm name for library...'
						initialAnswer: 'MySounds'.
	newName isEmpty ifTrue: [^ self].
	f := FileStream newFileNamed: newName , '.fml'.
	AbstractSound soundNames do:
		[:name | snd := AbstractSound soundNamed: name.
		"snd isStorable" true ifTrue: [f nextChunkPut: 'AbstractSound soundNamed: ' , name , ' put: ' , snd storeString; cr; cr]
			ifFalse: [PopUpMenu notify: name , ' is not currently storable']].
	f close!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>saveSound: (in category 'menu') -----
saveSound: evt
	| newName |
	newName := FillInTheBlank request: 'Please confirm name for save...'
						initialAnswer: soundName.
	newName isEmpty ifTrue: [^ self].
	AbstractSound soundNamed: newName put: sound.
	soundName := newName.!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>saveToDisk: (in category 'menu') -----
saveToDisk: evt
	| newName f |
	newName := FillInTheBlank request: 'Please confirm name for save...'
						initialAnswer: soundName.
	newName isEmpty ifTrue: [^ self].
	f := FileStream newFileNamed: newName , '.fmp'.
	sound storeOn: f.
	f close!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>setDenominator: (in category 'menu') -----
setDenominator: denom
	denominator := denom.
	self buildView!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>soundBeingEdited (in category 'initialization') -----

	^ sound!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>soundChoices (in category 'construction') -----
	^ #('new...') , AbstractSound soundNames!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>step (in category 'stepping') -----
	| mouseDown hand |
	hand := self world firstHand.
	(bounds containsPoint: hand position) ifFalse: [^ self].

	mouseDown := hand lastEvent redButtonPressed.
	mouseDown not & prevMouseDown ifTrue:
		["Mouse just went up"
		limitXs = (limits collect: [:i | (envelope points at: i) x]) ifFalse:
			["Redisplay after changing limits"
			self editEnvelope: envelope]].
	prevMouseDown := mouseDown!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>stepTime (in category 'stepping') -----
	^ 100!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>valueFromY: (in category 'scaling') -----
valueFromY: y
	"The convention is that envelope values are between 0.0 and 1.0"
	| value |
	value := (graphArea bottom - y) asFloat / (graphArea height).
	envelope updateSelector = #ratio: ifTrue:
		["Ratio gets gridded by denominator"
		^ (value * envelope scale * denominator) rounded asFloat / denominator / envelope scale].
	^ value!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>wantsRoundedCorners (in category 'rounding') -----
	^ Preferences roundedWindowCorners or: [super wantsRoundedCorners]!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>xFromMs: (in category 'scaling') -----
xFromMs: ms
	^ graphArea left + (ms//10*pixPerTick)!

----- Method: EnvelopeEditorMorph>>yFromValue: (in category 'scaling') -----
yFromValue: val
	"The convention is that envelope values are between 0.0 and 1.0"
	^ graphArea bottom - (val* (graphArea height))!

RectangleMorph subclass: #ScaleMorph
	instanceVariableNames: 'caption start stop minorTick minorTickLength majorTick majorTickLength tickPrintBlock'
	classVariableNames: 'ClassVarName1 ClassVarName2'
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'EnvelopeEditorRevival'!

----- Method: ScaleMorph>>buildLabels (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
	| scale x1 y1 y2 x captionMorph tickMorph loopStart |
	self removeAllMorphs.
		ifNotNil: [captionMorph := StringMorph contents: caption.
			captionMorph align: captionMorph bounds bottomCenter with: self bounds bottomCenter - (0 @ majorTickLength) - (0 @ (captionMorph height + 2)).
			self addMorph: captionMorph].
		ifNotNil: [scale := self innerBounds width - 1 / ((stop - start) max: 0.1 )asFloat.
			x1 := self innerBounds left.
			y1 := self innerBounds bottom.
			y2 := y1 - majorTickLength.
			"Start loop on multiple of majorTick"
			loopStart := (start / majorTick) ceiling * majorTick.
				to: stop
				by: majorTick
				do: [:v | 
					x := x1 + (scale * (v - start)).
					tickMorph := StringMorph
								contents: (tickPrintBlock value: v).
					tickMorph align: tickMorph bounds bottomCenter with: x @ y2.
					tickMorph left < self left
						ifTrue: [tickMorph position: self left @ tickMorph top].
					tickMorph right > self right
						ifTrue: [tickMorph position: self right - tickMorph width @ tickMorph top].
					self addMorph: tickMorph]]!

----- Method: ScaleMorph>>drawOn: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
drawOn: aCanvas 
	| scale x1 y1 y2 x y3 even yy loopStart checkStart |
	super drawOn: aCanvas.
	scale := self innerBounds width - 1 / (stop - start) asFloat.
	x1 := self innerBounds left.
	y1 := self innerBounds bottom - 1.
	y2 := y1 - minorTickLength.
	loopStart := (start / minorTick) ceiling * minorTick.
		to: stop
		by: minorTick
		do: [:v | 
			x := x1 + (scale * (v - start)).
				line: x @ y1
				to: x @ y2
				width: 1
				color: Color black].
	x1 := self innerBounds left.
	y2 := y1 - majorTickLength.
	y3 := y1 - (minorTickLength + majorTickLength // 2).
	even := true.
	"Make sure major ticks start drawing on a multiple of majorTick"
	loopStart := (start / majorTick) ceiling * majorTick.
	checkStart := (start / (majorTick / 2.0)) ceiling * majorTick.
	"Check to see if semimajor tick should be drawn
	before majorTick"
	checkStart = (loopStart * 2)
		ifFalse: [loopStart := checkStart / 2.0.
			even := false].
		to: stop
		by: majorTick / 2.0
		do: [:v | 
			x := x1 + (scale * (v - start)).
			yy := even
						ifTrue: [y2]
						ifFalse: [y3].
				line: x @ y1
				to: x @ yy
				width: 1
				color: Color black.
			even := even not]!

----- Method: ScaleMorph>>extent: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
extent: newExtent 
	| pixPerTick newWidth |
	pixPerTick := newExtent x - (self borderWidth * 2) - 1 / ((stop - start) asFloat / minorTick).
	pixPerTick := pixPerTick
				detentBy: 0.1
				atMultiplesOf: 1.0
				snap: false.
	newWidth := pixPerTick * ((stop - start) asFloat / minorTick) + (self borderWidth * 2) + 1.
	super extent: newWidth @ newExtent y.
	self buildLabels!

----- Method: ScaleMorph>>initialize (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
	super initialize.
	borderWidth := 0.
	color := Color lightGreen.
	start := 0.
	stop := 100.
	minorTick := 1.
	majorTick := 10.
	minorTickLength := 3.
	majorTickLength := 10.
	caption := 'sample'.
	tickPrintBlock := [:v | v printString]!

----- Method: ScaleMorph>>start:stop:minorTick:minorTickLength:majorTick:majorTickLength:caption:tickPrintBlock: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
start: strt stop: stp minorTick: mnt minorTickLength: mntLen majorTick: mjt majorTickLength: mjtLen caption: cap tickPrintBlock: blk 
	start := strt.
	stop := stp.
	minorTick := mnt.
	minorTickLength := mntLen.
	majorTick := mjt.
	majorTickLength := mjtLen.
	caption := cap.
	tickPrintBlock := blk fixTemps.
	self buildLabels!

PolygonMorph subclass: #EnvelopeLineMorph
	instanceVariableNames: 'editor'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'EnvelopeEditorRevival'!

----- Method: EnvelopeLineMorph>>defaultColor (in category 'initialization') -----
"answer the default color/fill style for the receiver"
	^ Color transparent!

----- Method: EnvelopeLineMorph>>dragVertex:event:fromHandle: (in category 'editing') -----
dragVertex: ix event: evt fromHandle: handle
	| p |
	super dragVertex: ix event: evt fromHandle: handle.
	p := owner acceptGraphPoint: evt cursorPoint at: ix.
	self verticesAt: ix put: p.

----- Method: EnvelopeLineMorph>>dragVertex:fromHandle:vertIndex: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
dragVertex: evt fromHandle: handle vertIndex: ix
	| p |
	super dragVertex: evt fromHandle: handle vertIndex: ix.
	p := owner acceptGraphPoint: evt cursorPoint at: ix.
	vertices at: ix put: p.
	self computeBounds!

----- Method: EnvelopeLineMorph>>dropVertex:event:fromHandle: (in category 'editing') -----
dropVertex: ix event: evt fromHandle: handle
	| oldVerts |
	oldVerts := vertices.
	super dropVertex: ix event: evt fromHandle: handle.
	vertices = oldVerts ifFalse: [owner deletePoint: ix "deleted a vertex"]!

----- Method: EnvelopeLineMorph>>dropVertex:fromHandle:vertIndex: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
dropVertex: evt fromHandle: handle vertIndex: ix
	| oldVerts |
	oldVerts := vertices.
	super dropVertex: evt fromHandle: handle vertIndex: ix.
	vertices = oldVerts ifFalse: [owner deletePoint: ix "deleted a vertex"]!

----- Method: EnvelopeLineMorph>>newVertex:event:fromHandle: (in category 'editing') -----
newVertex: ix event: evt fromHandle: handle
	"Install a new vertex if there is room."
	(owner insertPointAfter: ix) ifFalse: [^ self "not enough room"].
	super newVertex: ix event: evt fromHandle: handle.
	self verticesAt: ix+1 put: (owner acceptGraphPoint: evt cursorPoint at: ix+1).

----- Method: EnvelopeLineMorph>>newVertex:fromHandle:afterVert: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
newVertex: evt fromHandle: handle afterVert: ix
	"Install a new vertex if there is room."
	(owner insertPointAfter: ix) ifFalse: [^ self "not enough room"].
	super newVertex: evt fromHandle: handle afterVert: ix.
	vertices at: ix+1 put: (owner acceptGraphPoint: evt cursorPoint at: ix+1).
	self computeBounds!

----- Method: EnvelopeLineMorph>>vertices:borderWidth:borderColor: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
vertices: verts borderWidth: bw borderColor: bc 
	super initialize.
	vertices := verts.
	color := Color transparent.
	borderWidth := bw.
	borderColor := bc.
	closed := false.
	arrows := #none.
	self computeBounds!

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