[etoys-dev] Etoys: Morphic-kfr.97.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Thu Oct 25 01:58:36 EDT 2012

Karl Ramberg uploaded a new version of Morphic to project Etoys:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-kfr.97
Author: kfr
Time: 25 October 2012, 7:56:46 am
UUID: 6d5a2911-44d6-824d-90f4-59b32c1c8a03
Ancestors: Morphic-kfr.96

Add Etoy interfaces to ScratchPlugin picture manipulation methods

=============== Diff against Morphic-kfr.96 ===============

Item was changed:
  Morph subclass: #SketchMorph
+ 	instanceVariableNames: 'originalForm rotationStyle scalePoint framesToDwell rotatedForm filters'
- 	instanceVariableNames: 'originalForm rotationStyle scalePoint framesToDwell rotatedForm'
  	classVariableNames: ''
  	poolDictionaries: ''
  	category: 'Morphic-Basic'!
+ !SketchMorph commentStamp: 'kfr. 11/7/2011 11:32' prior: 0!
+ SketchMorph commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!!
+ The morph that results when the user draws a color bitmap using the PaintBox (SketchEditorMorph and PaintBoxMorph).
- !SketchMorph commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
- The morph that results when the user draws a color bitmap using the PaintBox (SketchEditorMorph and PaintBoxMorph).  
  forwardDirection is the angle at which the object will go forward.  When the rotationStyle is not #normal, then forwardDirection is any angle, while the rotation is highly restricted.  If flexed, this is remembered by the Transform morph.  For non-normal rotationStyle, it is rotationDegrees.
  setupAngle (a property) is where the user put the green arrow to indicate which direction on the picture is forward.  When #normal, draw the morph initially at (0.0 - setupAngle).  The enclosing TransformationMorph then rotates it to the true angle.
  rotationDegrees  In a #normal object, rotationDegrees is constant an equal to setupAngle.
+ For non-normal, it is the direction the object is going.
- 	For non-normal, it is the direction the object is going.
+ When repainting, set it back to its original state. The green arrow is set to setupAngle, and the sketch is shown as drawn originally (rotationDegrees = 0).
- When repainting, set it back to its original state. The green arrow is set to setupAngle, and the sketch is shown as drawn originally (rotationDegrees = 0). 
+ rotationStyle = normal (turns), leftRight, upDown, fixed.
- rotationStyle = normal (turns), leftRight, upDown, fixed.  
  When leftRight upDown or fixed, bit map has severe restrictions.

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SketchMorph>>blur:form: (in category 'filters') -----
+ blur: aWidth form: filteredForm 
+ 	| f fOut fWidth |
+ 	aWidth = 0 ifTrue:[^ filteredForm].
+ 	f := filteredForm asFormOfDepth: 32.
+ 	fWidth := f width + (aWidth - 1) max: f width.
+ 	fOut := f deepCopy.
+ 	ScratchPlugin
+ 		primBlur: f bits
+ 		into: fOut bits
+ 		width: fWidth.
+ 	^ fOut asFormOfDepth: 16!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SketchMorph>>brightnessShift:form: (in category 'filters') -----
+ brightnessShift: aShift form: filteredForm 
+ 	| f fOut shift |
+ 	aShift = 0 ifTrue:[^ filteredForm].
+ 	shift := aShift min: 100 max: -100.
+ 	f := filteredForm asFormOfDepth: 32.
+ 	fOut := f deepCopy.
+ 	ScratchPlugin
+ 		primShiftBrightness: f bits
+ 		into: fOut bits
+ 		by: shift.
+ 	^ fOut asFormOfDepth: 16!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SketchMorph>>filters (in category 'filters') -----
+ filters
+ 	^ filters
+ 		ifNil: [filters := OrderedCollection new]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SketchMorph>>filtersAdd: (in category 'filters') -----
+ filtersAdd: aFilterWithValue 
+ 	self filters
+ 		do: [:i | (i includes: aFilterWithValue first)
+ 				ifTrue: [filters remove: i]].
+ 	filters add: aFilterWithValue.
+ 	self layoutChanged!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SketchMorph>>fishEye:form: (in category 'filters') -----
+ fishEye: aPower form: aForm
+ | f fOut power |
+ 	aPower = 0 ifTrue:[^aForm].
+ 	power := (100 + (aPower * 10)) max:0.
+ 	f := aForm asFormOfDepth: 32.
+ 	fOut := f deepCopy.
+ 	ScratchPlugin primFisheye: f bits into: fOut bits width: f width power: power.
+ 	^fOut  asFormOfDepth: 16!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SketchMorph>>generateRotatedForm (in category 'drawing') -----
+ 	| scalePt smoothPix pair filteredForm |
+ 	scalePoint
+ 		ifNil: [scalePoint := 1 @ 1].
- 	"Compute my rotatedForm and offsetWhenRotated."
- 	| scalePt smoothPix pair |
- 	scalePoint ifNil: [scalePoint := 1 @ 1].
  	scalePt := scalePoint x abs @ scalePoint y abs.
+ 	rotationStyle == #none
+ 		ifTrue: [scalePt := 1 @ 1].
- 	rotationStyle == #none ifTrue: [scalePt := 1 @ 1].
- 	"smoothPix := (scalePt x < 1.0 or: [scalePt y < 1.0]) 
- 		ifTrue: [2]
- 		ifFalse: [1]."
  	smoothPix := 1.
+ 	rotationStyle = #leftRight
+ 		ifTrue: [self heading asSmallAngleDegrees < 0.0
- 	rotationStyle = #leftRight 
- 		ifTrue: 
- 			[self heading asSmallAngleDegrees < 0.0 
  				ifTrue: [scalePt := scalePt x negated @ scalePt y]].
+ 	rotationStyle = #upDown
+ 		ifTrue: [self heading asSmallAngleDegrees abs > 90.0
- 	rotationStyle = #upDown 
- 		ifTrue: 
- 			[self heading asSmallAngleDegrees abs > 90.0 
  				ifTrue: [scalePt := scalePt x @ scalePt y negated]].
+ 	filteredForm := originalForm copy.
+ 	filters
+ 		ifNotNil: [filters
+ 				do: [:filter | filteredForm := self
+ 								perform: filter first
+ 								withArguments: (filter allButFirst copyWith: filteredForm)]].
+ 	rotatedForm := (scalePt = (1 @ 1)
+ 					and: [filters isNil])
- 	rotatedForm := scalePt = (1 @ 1) 
  				ifTrue: [originalForm]
+ 				ifFalse: [((rotationStyle == #normal
+ 								and: [self useInterpolation])
+ 							and: [filters isNil])
+ 						ifTrue: [^ self generateInterpolatedForm].
+ 					pair := WarpBlt current
+ 								rotate: filteredForm
- 				ifFalse: 
- 					["ar 11/19/2001: I am uncertain what happens in the case of rotationStyle ~~ normal"
- 					(rotationStyle == #normal and: [self useInterpolation]) 
- 						ifTrue: [^self generateInterpolatedForm].
- 					pair := WarpBlt current 
- 								rotate: originalForm
  								degrees: 0
  								center: originalForm boundingBox center
  								scaleBy: scalePt
  								smoothing: smoothPix.
  					pair first]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SketchMorph>>hueShift:form: (in category 'filters') -----
+ hueShift: aShift form: filteredForm 
+ 	| f fOut shift |
+ 	aShift = 0 ifTrue:[^ filteredForm].
+ 	shift := aShift min: 180 max: -180.
+ 	f := filteredForm asFormOfDepth: 32.
+ 	fOut := f deepCopy.
+ 	ScratchPlugin
+ 		primShiftHue: f bits
+ 		into: fOut bits
+ 		byDegrees: shift.
+ 	^ fOut asFormOfDepth: 16!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SketchMorph>>removeFilters (in category 'filters') -----
+ removeFilters
+ 	filters := nil.
+ 	self layoutChanged!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SketchMorph>>saturationShift:form: (in category 'filters') -----
+ saturationShift: aShift form: filteredForm 
+ 	| f fOut shift |
+ 	aShift = 0 ifTrue:[^ filteredForm].
+ 	shift := aShift min: 100 max: -100.
+ 	f := filteredForm asFormOfDepth: 32.
+ 	fOut := f deepCopy.
+ 	ScratchPlugin
+ 		primShiftSaturation: f bits
+ 		into: fOut bits
+ 		by: shift.
+ 	^ fOut asFormOfDepth: 16!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SketchMorph>>whirl:form: (in category 'filters') -----
+ whirl: anAngle form: aForm
+ 	| f fOut |
+ 	anAngle = 0 ifTrue:[^aForm].
+ 	f := aForm asFormOfDepth: 32.
+ 	fOut := f deepCopy.
+ 	ScratchPlugin primWhirl: f bits into: fOut bits width: f width angle: anAngle.
+ 	^fOut  asFormOfDepth: 16!

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