[etoys-dev] Etoys Inbox: Connectors-tfel.205.mcz

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Wed Aug 3 03:20:15 EDT 2016

A new version of Connectors was added to project Etoys Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Connectors-tfel.205
Author: tfel
Time: 3 August 2016, 9:20:08.126422 am
UUID: 7b679725-7e77-aa45-8c34-778482c39a5a
Ancestors: Connectors-tfel.204

replace EmptyArray

=============== Diff against Connectors-kfr.201 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>connectedConstraints (in category '*connectors-queries') -----
  	"Answer the constraints that have me as an input"
  	| retval ccs |
+ 	ccs _ self valueOfProperty: #connectedConstraints ifAbsent: [ ^ #() ].
- 	ccs _ self valueOfProperty: #connectedConstraints ifAbsent: [ ^EmptyArray ].
  	retval _ IdentitySet new: ccs size.
  	ccs do: [ :ea | ea notNil ifTrue: [ retval add: ea ]].
  	retval isEmpty ifTrue: [ self removeProperty: #connectedConstraints ].

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>connectedMorphs (in category '*connectors-queries') -----
  	"Answer all the morphs I am connected to (empty unless I'm a connector)"
+ 	^ #()!
- 	^EmptyArray!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Morph>>isSelectionMorph (in category '*connectors-testing') -----
- isSelectionMorph
- 	^false!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: NCAttachmentPointAdjusterWindow>>windowColorToUse (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ windowColorToUse
+ 	^ self userInterfaceTheme uniformWindowColor ifNil: [Color veryVeryLightGray]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: NCConstraintMorph>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
  	super initialize.
+ 	inputs _ #().
- 	inputs _ EmptyArray.
  	dieWithInput _ false.
  	self lastTargetPoint: 0 at 0.
  		stepTime: self minimumStepTime;
  		color: Color red;
  		extent: 10 at 10;

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: NCConstraintMorph>>lastTargetPoint (in category 'accessing') -----
+ 	^lastTarget ifNil: [ lastTarget _ 0 at 0 ]!
- 	^lastTarget ifNil: [ lastTarget_ 0 at 0 ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: NCGlyphEditor>>windowColorToUse (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ windowColorToUse
+ 	^ self userInterfaceTheme uniformWindowColor ifNil: [Color veryVeryLightGray]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: ObjectPropertiesMorph>>rebuild (in category '*connectors-visual properties') -----
- rebuild
- 	"Rebuild the contents of the property sheet."
- 	| buttons |
- 	self removeAllMorphs.
- 	self addARow: {
- 		self lockedString: ('Properties for {1}' translated format: {myTarget topRendererOrSelf externalName}).
- 	}.
- "	self addARow: {
- 		self inAColumn: {
- 			self paneForCornerRoundingToggle.
- 			self paneForStickinessToggle.
- 			self paneForLockedToggle.
- 		}.
- 	}."
- 	self addARow: {
- 		self paneForMainColorPicker },
- 		(simplePanel 
- 					ifFalse:[{self paneFor2ndGradientColorPicker}]
- 					ifTrue:[{}]).
- 	simplePanel ifFalse:[
- 	(myTarget isMorph and: [myTarget isWorldMorph]) ifFalse:
- 		[self addARow: {
- 			self paneForBorderColorPicker.
- 			self paneForShadowColorPicker}]].
- 	buttons _ OrderedCollection new.
- 	buttons addAll: {
- 	self 
- 			buttonNamed: 'Accept' translated action: #doAccept color: color lighter 
- 			help: 'keep changes made and close panel' translated.
- 		self 
- 			buttonNamed: 'Cancel' translated action: #doCancel color: color lighter 
- 			help: 'cancel changes made and close panel' translated.
- 	}.
- 	simplePanel ifTrue:[buttons addAll:{self 
- 			buttonNamed: 'More controls' translated action: #toggleSimplePanel color: color lighter help: 'add controls for gradient and border to the panel' translated}]
- 		 ifFalse:[buttons addAll:{self 
- 			buttonNamed: 'Fewer controls' translated action: #toggleSimplePanel color: color lighter help: 'show only color picker for solid color' translated}].
- 	self addOptionalButtonsTo: buttons.
- 	self addARow: buttons.
- 	thingsToRevert _ Dictionary new.
- 	thingsToRevert at: #fillStyle: put: myTarget fillStyle.
- 	myTarget isSystemWindow ifTrue: [
- 		thingsToRevert at: #setWindowColor: put: myTarget paneColorToUse
- 	].
- 	thingsToRevert at: #hasDropShadow: put: myTarget hasDropShadow.
- 	thingsToRevert at: #shadowColor: put: myTarget shadowColor.
- 	(myTarget respondsTo: #borderColor:) ifTrue: [
- 		thingsToRevert at: #borderColor: put: myTarget borderColor.
- 	].
- 	thingsToRevert at: #borderWidth: put: myTarget borderWidth.
- 	thingsToRevert at: #cornerStyle: put: myTarget cornerStyle.
- 	thingsToRevert at: #sticky: put: myTarget isSticky.
- 	thingsToRevert at: #lock: put: myTarget isLocked.
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SelectionMorph>>isSelectionMorph (in category '*connectors-testing') -----
- isSelectionMorph
- 	^true!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextMorph class>>boldAuthoringPrototype (in category '*connectors-text-parts bin') -----
- boldAuthoringPrototype
- 	"TextMorph boldAuthoringPrototype openInHand"
- 	| text style index baseFont textMorph |
- 	text := Text fromString: 'Text' translated.
- 	baseFont _ Preferences standardEToysFont.
- 	style _ baseFont textStyle.
- 	index _ style fontIndexOfPointSize: 24.
- 	text addAttribute: (TextFontChange fontNumber: index).
- 	textMorph := self new
- 		contentsWrapped: text;
- 		setTextStyle: style;
- 		margins: 0 at 0;
- 		yourself.
- 	"Too ugly dirty hack"
- 	textMorph wrapFlag: false.
- 	textMorph fit.
- 	textMorph usePango ifTrue: [textMorph wrapFlag: true].
- 	^ textMorph
- !

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