No subject

Wed Apr 29 08:25:26 EDT 2009

(bert, jan 09) Put some scripted object into a flap while its viewer is open. Then close the flap and drag out a script tile from the viewer. It is not expanded into a scriptor but remains a script tile. If you open the flap and drag out the same script tile, it does expand into a scriptor.

(scott)  This is the expected and intended behavior for tiles of objects that are not currently present in the current "world".  This helps considerably in situations where scripts would otherwise appear to be bafflingly broken, i.e. not seeming to affect the objects they belong to, because the object they belong to is in a different world, or is a deleted or otherwise unseen sibling of one that you do see, etc, etc.

However, the case of an object in a closed flap whose tab *is* in the current world could arguably be considered, for situations like this (and *maybe* for ticking scripts, though that goes against morphic event-handling dogma...) as "very nearly in the world" -- i.e. near enough to warrant being treated as in-the-world for some purposes.

Anyway... at a minimum, an explanation for this phenomenon should be readily findable by any puzzled user -- on our putative Forum, on a FAQ, or whatever.


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