Is it worth releasing now?

Andrew Tween amtween at
Mon Oct 23 21:13:24 UTC 2006

Hi Bryce,
The benchmark numbers are looking good. Congratulations, and keep up the good

If you decide to release, then I can build a new Win32 VM, if necessary. Just
let me know the appropriate package versions.

Will you be creating an image with Exupery pre-installed, or only the packages
for people to install themselves?  I like to download images with everything
set-up, so that I know I have the right versions of everything, installed in the
correct order. But I understand why others may prefer to do their own install.

(Off-topic : How did the UK smalltalk meet go on Friday/Saturday? I couldn't
make it due to attending a wedding, but hopefully I'll be able to go to the next


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