Preparing for Exupery 0.09.

Bryce Kampjes bryce at
Fri Sep 8 20:12:48 UTC 2006

Yakov found a bug in Exupery 0.08. It is is not possible to save the
image after loading Exupery using a stock VM. This is because Exupery
now needs to clean up the code cache before saving and that code calls
an Exupery primitive.

The work-around is to modify the method Exupery>>shutDown

	self initialiseExupery

Either comment out the call to initialiseExupery or use #on:do:
to catch all errors.

Because of this bug, I'm now preparing to release the current
development code. After running the stress test, I've caught a bug in
my current implementation of #at:. I'm going to fix this the release.

Exupery 0.09 has dynamically inlined primitives. It can only compile
#at: and #at:put: for pointer objects and instance variable getter
primitives. More primitives are coming, but this bug deserves a
release and I'd rather release the current development work than
back-port a fix. A good back port would only touch two methods and a
hacked fix would touch one method.


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