( picoVerse-:( How do I get Exupery? ) )

bryce at kampjes.demon.co.uk bryce at kampjes.demon.co.uk
Tue Oct 28 20:55:15 UTC 2008

Kjell Godo writes:
 > I am trying to install Exupery from the Universe Browser so I click on the
 > Exupery Development version 0.... and I can't see the rest of it and I click
 > on Select Package button and a bunch of packages get selected to install.
 > Then I click on the button on the bottom of the Universe Browser and it
 > seems to install FFI and then it puts up a small blue window that says:
 > Installing Exupery version 0.14
 > and I wait and wait and wait and nothing further seems to happen.  I notice
 > that my internet connection goes idle for a few seconds.  ( something on my
 > machine is downloading something in the background constantly and I don't
 > know what it is but internet explorer seems to work )  If Exupery was really
 > being installed then I would think that the connection would never go idle.
 > Finally I stop Squeak-3.10.2-7179 because I can't take it anymore.

I've loaded Exupery into that image without problems previously. Did
you load anything else first? Monticello 1.5 used to cause problems
loading FFI, I don't know if it still does.

 > Have you got any ideas what could be going wrong?
Torsten has replied to both the pharo list and Squeak dev about it.

 > If you could make an image that has Exupery in it that could be downloaded
 > that has the image files needed to develope Exupery that would be cool.  It
 > seems to depend on all sorts of things and something went wrong with the
 > install.  I waited 20 minutes for it to do something but it never did so I
 > closed it.

The prebuilt image is here:

I fixed the link from the Installing Exupery Swiki page to it. There
should always be a prebuilt image for each release built as part of
the release.


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