[fee] interpreter and PICs

Jecel Assumpcao Jr jecel at merlintec.com
Fri Dec 19 20:21:46 UTC 2008

I was looking at
http://vst.ensm-douai.fr/Esug2008Media/uploads/1/cog_miranda.pdf and it
wasn't clear to me what the plan is for PICs at the image level. This
suggestion was very interesting:

> slides - http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~denker/talks/07ICOOLPS/07PICsICOOOLPS.pdf

> paper - http://www.hirschfeld.org/misc/media/HauptHirschfeldDenker_2007_TypeFeedbackForBytecodeInterpreters.pdf

My own idea had been to replace symbols with small integers and use
those as a hash/index into a VM level PIC table. But using actual
objects is always a win in the long run - we always find a way to make
them go fast eventually and then you have a flexible solution at no
extra cost.

So, what is the direction that FEE will be taking?

-- Jecel

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