[Network] Mantis #861

goran at krampe.se goran at krampe.se
Fri Oct 21 07:36:44 UTC 2005

Hi fellow Network hackers!

Ken Causey <ken at kencausey.com> wrote:
> Hmm.  I have to admit I'm unsure how that (URI) relates to the various
> little fixes this 'fix' (#861) includes.  Maybe you would care to adopt
> this issue and see that it is handled/closed as appropriate?

I am taking this, I am actually reviewing it now and will probably end
up making some more adjustments. I would like to note that the Url
classes probably has a bunch of "heuristics" like dealing with malformed
forms etc (I carefully emulated how Mozilla handles a whole slew of
these cases when I did the Url rewrite a while back) that the newer more
kosher URI packages don't.

And regardless we will not be ripping out Url any time soon - so I think
it is worthwhile polishing it and cleaning it - even if we are also
adopting a more kosher URI package. Later on we can gradually deprecate
things when we get more confident in the newer code.

I will produce an mcz for 861 and it might include a few other things I
stumble on - like for example nuking MswUrl (MuSwiki thingy) - just did
that. If someone wants MswUrl then it belongs in MuSwiki or whatever.

So rev up your browsers fellow Network ninjas, its time to get this
thing into honourable shape. :)

regards, Göran

PS. When Mantis is clean and the most glaring known issues are handled I
think a worthwhile effort is to sneak a peak on our competitors, like
Ruby/Python for example. We should also of course take a hard long look
at our external packages like KomServices, Cees P2P stuff etc and see if
we can't move some basic things into Network.

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