Scalability Testing

Yanni Chiu yanni at
Sat Sep 16 22:46:26 UTC 2006

Keith Hodges wrote:
> How does one track down the offending item?

I haven't figured out how things are being held,
but I find that the following code usually cleans
up my image. Define these two methods, then run
the doIt:

	continuations := nil.
	"application := nil."
	escapeContinuation := nil.
	monitor := nil.
	state := WAStateRegistry new.
	currentRequest := nil.
	scripts := nil.
	jumpTo := nil.

	handlersByKey := Dictionary new.
	keysByHandler := Dictionary new.

WASession allSubInstances do: [:e | e resetInstVars].
WARegistry allSubInstances do: [:ea | ea clearHandlersUnsafe].

If you have custom a session class, then you may
have to define a method to nil out the instaance variables,
then call something like:

MySession allInstances do: [:e | e clearInstVars].

Hope that helps.

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